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Raising the dagger boards on the 5.8


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Is there an easier way to lift the dagger boards on the 5.8?

To lift them up I find that I need to turn into the wind to stop, prior to returning to the beach, in order to be able to lift them up. They are very stiff inside the casing. Suggestions please!!!

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I think if the boards become a little loose in the casing, they can move back and forth and jam. We find that I have to hit the board forward from behind, then my crew can pull it up and out, angled slightly forward. This suggests that the board is becoming wedged into the casing.



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We used to have centreboard issues with the Flying Dutchman we used to sail. We actually used car polish to see if this would help. It did to a certain point, though we still had to use a bit of muscle. I have found when approaching the beach, letting the main out helps ALOT in taking to pressure off the boards to begin retracting them. However, watch that you don't bring them up too much too quickly as this transfers alot of pressure to the rudders and I did some damage to one of the rudders as the metal cracked slightly on the rudder housing.

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Kick the bastards forward. Usually the problem is that they have move back into the back of the casing and wedged in. When I was skipper I used to just give them a kick forward and that was that. Alternately the crew can pull them forward before lifting. I have never had to use anything but some brain power and muscle to get them up.

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From quite a few years crewing on a 5.8 we used to take a lot of time in getting them right. We got to a point were i could actually pull them up from out on the wire.

The best way to go about it is to remove all carpet from the case, clean surface up and start again. The best carpet is the kind you get from Bris Cats. Use contact cement to glue in. At this stage do not trim the carpet. Once you have glued the carpet in place the boards in the case as far down as you can (do this on the trailer at home) leave them in the case for a night or two, you will then be able to see where they are tight. Then get a new trimming blade and proceed to gradually remove little by little until the boards will go up and down, but they will still be quite firm. Of course the carpet will flatten out a little over time so best to be a bit tight at the start. Doing it this way will also allow you to get the alignment of the boards perfect in relation to the rudders and tow of the hulls.

Good luck

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Thanks everyone for your input.

It appears that the boards are being pushed back into the housing so a little kick at first did fix it. Then we shaved the carpet with a sharp blade a little, which took some of the thickness out of the carpet, allowing for a smoother glide up and down. We are learning more each time we take it out. Once again thanks.

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