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Why do we pay association fees?


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At the nationals or states we are asked if we are member of the maricat association. There is no form of proof or idenification that you have paid to be a member. What is this fee of X amount used for or could the fee just be added to the regatta cost?

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Johno, I am not aware fully what the association fees are used for. If you are able to attend the meeting detailed below there would be a report from the treasurer detailing where the money goes. It would be an advantage to the class if the fees could be reduced, a number of the maricats from Mannering Park are not able to attend Maricat State and National Titles because of the cost of entry. Maybe this can be raised at the meeting?

The Annual General Meeting for the Maricat Association of NSW & ACT Inc. is to be held on Sunday 27 March 2005 at 9.00am at the Toukley Sailing Club, Cantoon Beach Toukley.

This is your association and I encourage you to participate in the running of the association and telling the management committee what you the member are wanting from the association.

All positions will become vacant and we encorage all to consider who will best represent the association. No qualifiactions required not even work experience.

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While I am not a Maricat sailor (I am a Paper Tiger sailor), I would like to comment on Associations.

Having been on various sailing association committees over many years, this question is often raised. It is amazing, considering that the cost of membership in a sailing class association is less than just about any other sport's associations.

Some of the reasons associations need an income:

- To affiliate with state and national authorities, including Yachting NSW, Yachting Australia as well as the class national association. Affiliation with YNSW & YA is required in order to be able to conduct "official" State and National Championships. YNSW approves Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions for classes and advises them on changes. YNSW and YA do a number of other things for class associations.

- To be able to organise state and national championships. If associations waited for entry fees to come in, they would never have enough time to organise it. They need a base level of money from which to operate in order to conduct these events, the planning for which can begin 2 or 3 years out from the event.

- To be able to provide the resources to produce and print and send newsletters (especially where members don't have e-mail).

- To be able to purchase stocks of difficult to obtain spares. Not all associations do this, but where a bulk run of a specialist item is required before a manufacturer will produce it, an individual has no purchasing power. Associations do.

- To facilitate promotion of the class. Even in this era of the internet, web space costs money. As does advertising.

- An association has to exist to conduct championships. They have to have bank accounts from which to operate. Associations need to be incorporated and/or insured against public liability in regard to hosting these events. This all costs money.

At your next AGM, instead of complaining about the high fees, get involved. You'll begin to realise why the association needs the money and you'll also be helping the class by assisting in the organisation.

It is quite disheartening for your committee to put the effort into organising a major event, promoting the class, etc, then get to the AGM and be attacked about fees. They need your support. If you feel your association is not giving you value for money, volunteer to be on the committee and begin the process of change.



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David, thanks for that. I am sure the current maricat committee would be happy with the explanation you have given regarding associations and where the fees go.

Sorry that I was unable to attend your regatta this year but hope to attend next year.


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You will be pleased to know that the NSW Paper Tiger Catamaran Assoc has once again chosen Mannering Park for one of its rounds of its Travellers Trophy. We will be chasing details of the regatta soon and would encourage all 14ft cats to be there.

We know you will do your best to be at Koonawarra Bay next February!!



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That is very good news. Mannering Park will be very happy to have the Paper Tigers. Are the other 14s able to race on the same course or do you prefer seperate starts etc. We like to race with you but understand if you prefer to have just your own course. Well, we can't really keep up with the Tigers anyway so it should be ok?

I have to work overseas quite a bit, that is why I missed your regatta this year. Will not miss it again next Feb !


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Zax - We are happy to sail with all the other 14s, as well as start with them. Part of the attraction of the 14ft cat regattas is the large fleet sailing with boats of reasonably similar performance. All adds to the excitement!

Johno - Sorry if I came across too strongly. I should not have assumed that you were complaining about the fee. I realise now you were only asking for the information. I am sure though that your association would still appreciate your help and assistance.



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