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Updated Maricat Website


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Discussed at the AGM was a wish by Maricat Association members to have an updated web site or at least a site easier for new people to find - this was raised by Humungus. The existing site, kindly hosted by Graham, is also limited in space for adding new pictures etc.

A new site is now being developed and contributions would be most welcomed. Pictures of maricats in action as mentioned in a previous post by Warrior would be great if people have something they would like to send in? I imagine the new fleet of maricats at Tanilba must have some good action shots... or should be able to get some?

Other thoughts on this greatly appreciated. What do people want to see on the site?

cheers !

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I would be happy to get as many pics from you as you would wish to send. Not sure if all can be put on the new site, but I will try.

Anyone got some Maricat action pics as yet?


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