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Advise on Damage Repair

Pointed Reply

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I have ripped the starboard transom out of Pointed Reply. The whole rudder mounting bracket has come out. There are two fibreglass repair people in Wagga neither of which have repaired a cat before. I have read past advise on cutting new inspection hatches on the rear deck. What should this sort of repair cost ? How long should it take ? How hard is it to realign the rudders ? All advise welcome ?

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This is a little tricky to explain online, but feel free to give me a call on 0402 132 800. I've done a lot of repairs to 4.3s and a competent glass shop should be able to handle it. The hatch on the aft deck is an option, but not really necessary.

The Mari regulars will be able to let you know the bbest way to set up the 4.3 russer alignment.

As for cost, its hard to be at all accurate without seeing the boat, but assuming its really bad, then you could expect to pay up to $500 for a good repair at a proffesional operator.



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Pointed Reply is fixed and going well. The new sail also helps..no more 007. We are learning heaps and hopefully getting better.

We won't be going to Yarrawonga, I have volunteered to help at the (Forgive Me) Paper Tiger State Titles at Wagga. Feb will be Illawarra and Eden. Should get to Sail Inland at Yarrawonga in April.

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For those interested, I fixed the rudder myself. It was tricky but not that hard. It was better than paying a so called proffessional $700. Alignment of the rudders is very good and better than before. I also removed the bungs from both hulls by putting in inspection hatches..no more leaks. Total cost about $200 in parts.

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Mine are centred about 325mm from the edge of the deck but they could have been closer to get better access to the inside of the rudder bracket. You only need to leave space for the tiller arms. If it is being done for a repair you need to be able to get your arm in. I used the curve base inspection hatches available from the Bris Cat Centre. They are smaller than the current hatches so be careful. I cut a second smaller hole (25mm) closer to the rear so I could see what I was doing. It was a real case of see it or do it !! I have a bunch of photos if you are interested.

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