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Ian Holly Memorial Regatta - Toukley


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Just posting this info again here. This would be a good regatta to attend as practice for the 30th Anniversary State Titles held at Toukley Sailing Club. There is also a bonus that the winner of the Maricat Division will get the prize of free entry to the State Titles and their Association membership paid for the season... ZAX will certainly be in attendance for that one ! Many of you may remember Ian Holly who was a keen 14ft cat sailor who unfortunately past away during a regatta at Terrigle. this regatta is organised by one of his sons, Andrew, to keep Ians memory alive.

Hello sailors! The Ian Holly Memorial Regatta will be held next weekend at Canton Beach. Details as follows.

Hope to see you there, Danny

Notice of Race

Toukley Sailing Club

25th- 26th March 2006


11am Briefing

12:30pm First race

(Three races scheduled for the day)

Saturday night:

A BBQ has been arranged by the club for all sailors to chat and remember the good old days at Toukley Sailing Club.


9am Briefing

10am First race. No start after 3pm

(Three races scheduled, time and weather permitting).

Please note:

CURRENT INSURANCE information is required.

Race Fees:

$40 for two man boat $30 for one man boat


A drop race is deducted from overall points if more than four races are sailed. Prizes will be awarded to place getters in all classes with 6 boats to constitute as a class. The prizes will include clothing from Burke Clothing Company and allocated sponsoring classes will award free entry to the State Titles and free membership for the year of that class.

A presentation will be held after the completion of the day’s racing.


The Hobie Cat Association of NSW, Paper Tiger Association, Taipan Association, Maricat Association, and A-class Association have all contributed to the prizes for their individual classes. Burke Clothing Company has also sponsored this regatta by way of merchandise.


Hotels and Caravan Parks are close by, details will be posted on the Catsailor and Hobie websites.

Toukley Sailing Club has a functional canteen with hot and cold food and drinks.

Any further information required contact Andrew Holly.

Email: faholly@kooee.com.au

Home phone: 02 49546068

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The regatta went well with 3 races in moderate winds on Saturday and 2 races in lighter winds on Sunday.

A fleet of Hobie 16s, Paper Tigers and Miscellaneous 14s sailed.

On Sunday morning we were fortunate to have Darren Bundock give a tuning workshop for the Hobie 16s and for the Maricats.

The competitors enjoyed the weekend so much that it was decided to make it an annual event.

Hope to see you all there next year !

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