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Maricat National Titles - Queensland 2007


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Should we go to Qld for the Nationals ? In the last year we have seen an increase in the number of Maricats on the water, with the greatest increase in the Newcastle region. It would be a shame to have the Nationals in Qld if only a few boats turned up. I think a lot of boats will not bother to go that far. Why not consolidate for another year or so and then think about going interstate. From my limited recent experience I think Mannering Park is ideal. As many have said, the first thing to be picked is a good spot for family and kids. Mannering Park has great water, a excellent caravan park, a good committee and is central to the majority of Maricats. Any other opinions ?

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At the last Nationals we had a survey to determine the most popular area for a National Title. The most popular choice was Central Coast. Queensland came in as 3rd choice.

The reason for going to Queensland at this time is because we need to have the event in other states when possible if we are to be considered a National class. The manufacturer has offered to help us host the Titles in Queensland and because the Nacra's will also be held at the same venue at the same time it makes the organisation easier/possible. The Nacra's actually start on Dec 31st where we start on January 1st. Both classes finish on the Friday 5th and we expect to have a shared presentation. The Nacras's were keen to have the Maricats at the same venue. We expect to have our own courses (including marks).

The following year would be back on the Central Coast and we hope anyone that missed being able to attend the Queensland event will come again to compete in 2008.

It is expected that less boats would be able to get to Queensland than would be able to get to Central, North Coast or Sydney / South Sydney areas but there is a number of boats keen to go and expand the class into other states (including the manufacturer).

Would be nice to consolidate another year but then much harder to organise the event outside NSW next year.

I hope any boat that is able to will get there and show another State what Maricat sailing is all about ! Might attract some of the Nacra's to trade up to the superior Mari smile.gif

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That seems just about perfect conditions for sailing the superior sloop class..

In such pleasant conditions it is nice to have someone else on the boat to talk to.

Hope to see everyone in Brisbane for the 2007 Maricat Nationals... even those annoying new boats smile.gif

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At this stage yes, it is confirmed. I don't have any further details to post but will add anything I get as soon as I get it.

That is if the manufacturer is still talking to us after we changed the rules at the AGM smile.gif Should be ok since these rules do not effect the Nationals.

I think we are very fortunate to have a strong manufacturer for the class. The boats are old and we are still easily able to get new spare parts for them. We should be thankful for this and also for the offer made by the manuafacturer to help us have the Nationals in Brisbane.

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Visited Wayne and Ross this week in Brisbane. It seems everything is underway for the Nationals with some possible Hot sailors from Queensland entering the event.

Will be checking the venue this weekend.

We need to fit in with the Nacra's to keep costs down for the event and may need to have a single start for all Maricat 4.3's.

All will be included in the Sailing Instructions (eventually) smile.gif

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should be fun all starting together then we can more easily work out overall yardstick places as well? Plus we then present as a bigger fleet !

I went to the venue over the weekend. Looks great and the sailing is in a large open area which should provide some good sailing. Will need wheels (or assist each other) for the boats as we launch on concrete ramps.

When arriving at the sailing club you go to the office and get a security card which allows you to drive in to the rigging area. Seems good security there for leaving the boats on a grass area.

Looking forward to it !

Rumour has it that there is a 36 foot maricat under construction at brisbane catamarans.. will be good to see it on the shared start line smile.gif

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