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Tanilba States 2007

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I for one would be in favour of the idea. It gives us more boats to race since we can race both in our division and for outright placing on yardstick. Also helps to promote the those classes which are sometimes short on numbers.

Hope the committee will be in full support of this idea ?

At the Nationals we will also have an outright placing based on Koonawarra yardstick since that seems the most popular at present.

cheers !

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newsletter will be sent out next week this will have information in it about the states at Tanilba including address and accommodation ideas, registration form etc. If you did not receive one last year then please advise your address details and/or email address (must have Microsoft Publisher to open) so we can forward a newsletter to you. Notice of race should be finalised shortly and this will be put on the Maricat Assoc website.

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