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new maricat owner


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Hi guys,

I've just got myself a maricat 4.3. Its pretty old, with a sail number of 780, but its in pretty good condition considering, and sails ok. I've taken it out once and its great fun. I used to sail 20 years ago and its great to get on the water again?

There's a couple of things that I know need fixing and was hoping to get some advice about a couple of things. Ive checked the forum out and found some things but these still remain unanswered:

- the tiller cross bar is bolted to the tillers. One of the bolts has broken, so I've got to fix it. Should I just get another bolt or is there a better way to go?

- I thought the rudders were supposed to flip up when they hit something, eg the shore, but this doesn't happen. What's likely to be wrong here?

- is there a shop around Gosford NSW that knows about cats and sells useful stuff: like shackle keys and rigging?

- does anyone on the forum sail on Brisbane Waters?

- how do you get the rudders down a bit so that you can steer in shallow water?

- the boat looks in pretty good shape, but I wouldn't want something to go wrong in the middle of the lake, so what should I check out?

thanks in advance


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There are Maricats sailing at Mannering Park Sailing Club which is just up the road from you. Bias Marine West Gosford has general sailing bits. Mick on the number above can sell you specific new Maricat bits. Without a picture or looking at the rudders it is a bit hard to work out what is wrong. If the rudders are property aligned then simply replacing the bolt may work. There is lots of info on the Maricat website, if you can open it. Some are having trouble www.maricat.net

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