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Can a Maricat fly a hull?


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When i had my last Maricat I never managed to fly a hull while sailing it. A few times I reckon I politely lifted the hull just clear of the water, but the boat never appeared to be designed to get a hull right up high out of the water. mainly because the lower hull seemed to push so low in the water when the breeze is blow'in harder.

I kind of figured the Maricat would tend to bury the lower hull deep enough that the nose would go under before it had a chance to really fly a hull like I can on my Nacra. My old Mari used to bury the nose and then that was the end of it, I'd usually go over front first. Maybe more mast rake would help in that instance?

Can any of you other Maricat owners fly a hull up high with your boat?



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Flying a hull on a Maricat may be spectacular but it is slow. Racing Maricats almost never lift the hull right out of the water. The windward hull usually just skims the surface. To stop the hull from burying on a reach, sit behind the back beam. The one man Super Sloops are allowed to carry a trapese, but the State and National champions do not use a trapese.

Why not come to Tanilba Bay at Easter and sail at the State Titles and check out all the other Maricats.

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I'm a novice to sailing but I have a 4.0M mari and the first few times I had the same problem with the nose digging in. Once I gave it more mast rake, it had no problems lifting a hull out. Don't know if it slowed it down but it was going fairly quick when it came out of the water. Nearly shat my pants the first time it came out.

I need more advice on how to keep it out for more than 5 seconds.

Still having heaps of fun though.


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Oddly enough, I'll be in Port Stephens over easter, and I'm going down to Sydney on the Sunday to pick up the Maricat I've brought.Will be back up the bay Sunday afternoon.

I will probably be sailing off Shoal bay beach each day from the Monday onwards until we head back to Brizzy on the Thursday.

I'll try and get around to Tanilba Bay and say G'day on Sunday arvo, if I'm back through that way in time.

Your right also that its slower flying the hull. I had the Nacra to an almost "stalled" position up at Lake Cootharaba once. Almost no forward movement, but still had a hull way up high. We were just mucking about having fun and getting used to the boat.

Ian, doesn't matter if you near shat ya daks mate, so long as your having fun, that's the name of the game.

Cheers for now


[This message has been edited by BarryK1200LT (edited 26 March 2007).]

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