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Maricats at SEQ Champs


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Who else is planning to bring their Maricat to Humpybong on the weekend to compete in the SEQ class champs?

My crew for the Nacra 5.2 has pulled out, and if I can't find someone to crew with me, I'll bring my Maricat instead. So I'm wondering how many other Maricat ownwers are planning to come along?



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Hi Barry, I should be there...I will be sailing cat rigged as my daughter (usual crew) has other sporting commitments on Saturday.

One of the other Maricats will not be sailing as the skipper is rostered on the rescue boat this weekend, and i dont know if the third (club) maricat will be getting an outing this weekend or not...

I would put out a call to anyone who has a Maricat and just wants to come down for a great day or two of sailing, to get your boat out of the shed and bring it down !!!



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