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Racing Rules of Sailing 2009


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YA have announced the issue of the new RRS, scheduled for November. In the past I've been able to download them from either US Sailing or the RYA (YA, our own organisation require us to own a blue book).

There are articles about the changes though, in particular the two length rule for mark rounding is now generally three but can be changed to two or four in the SI's.

I've never fully understood rule 18 but it's been clarified and obstructions have been given separate treatment.

This is interesting:


This covers rule 18 and 19 (mark rounding and obstructions) which are new/rewritten.

There is also a link on the right to the three length rule for mark rounding on the right hand side.


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Has an interesting PowerPoint presentation from the RYA. Needs PP version 2002 or above.

Why the interest from me? we lost 2nd place in a Nationals once - if I knew then what I know now we wouldn't have lost the protest!

Am I an expert on rules - definitely not - prefer to avoid issues.

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Originally posted by knobblyoldjimbo:

http://www.rya.org.uk/KnowledgeBase/racingrules/Pages/Guidetothenewracingrules20 092012.aspx

Has an interesting PowerPoint presentation from the RYA. Needs PP version 2002 or above.

Why the interest from me? we lost 2nd place in a Nationals once - if I knew then what I know now we wouldn't have lost the protest!

Am I an expert on rules - definitely not - prefer to avoid issues.

Yeah, tell me about it Knobbly. I lost a Nationals the same way and left a bad taste in my mouth over the way some sailors will abuse the rules to "win". I had to carry a DNF in the points (gear failure) after a disqualification when I came 1st.

There is a Maricat sailor with his name on the champs winners list that shouldn't be there.

I never raced Nationals or States again.

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