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MPYC signon day 13/9/08


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Whilst I have no official office I was wondering if it was worth highlighting that the Mannering Park YC signon day is this Saturday (13th September 2008).

The website says:


* Sign up for the season

* Pay Membership and Registration

* Enjoy a sausage sandwich

Doesn't say what time, anyone? Darcy?

I might even try a practice sail, see if the old cow has forgotten how to tack again!


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I will denfinatly be there for the Club championships and I would say Scott will allso be there. I just love the compertiton and hope someone can put me in my place (first). The first champ race is the Saturday after the 14' Regatta held 11th November 2008 at Mannering Park. I will be there for that as well.

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