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furler rule interpitation


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methinks that someone needs (probably a committee) needs to sit down and rewrite the rules so that they comply with the Racing Rules of Equipment - yes there is one - and normal logic.

The document then needs to be published and agreed at either a special meeting or an AGM.

The situation we have at the moment simply puts people off racing Maricats (unless they're members of the "inner circle").


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Donna has not used a furler for years. If you don't then probably should use a "spacer" of the same length to position the jib in the same spot as with a furler.

If you have a furler are you allowed to use it while racing ? A couple of nationals ago a certain supersloop was observed sailing up wind with the jib furled and reach and run with it unfurled. Is this in the spirit of the rules ?

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Scotty also does not use a furler, as I understood it the rules say a furler can be fitted, "can be fitted" would suggest it's at your discretion, same as trapeze can be used in super sloop, but not mandantory.

As for not using a jib upwind in certain conditions but then unfurling and using for reach and run, I would say not in the best interests of fairness, although I recall a certain sloop switching crew to a heavier candidate for that race. If I was racing and the wind speed got to a force that I was having trouble holding the boat down down I would think that furling the jib would be a wise move. Tricky call, would depend on situation I would feel. Such as a yacht down sizing to storm sails during a race to survive a heavy blow.


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Nah, do what you like with what you've got I say.

Usually the slot effect of jib/main upwind should provide extra speed but maybe not on cats. You'd not see anyone take a jib down upwind on anything else to be sure. Pushing the windage of a furled jib would surely be bad for speed too.

As to crew there are rules for that too, I think having light/heavy crew at each mark floating, ready for the takeover is probably not allowed (although widely practiced in the 18's some time last century!).

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Mick, Mick, Mick - you're being a bit naughty here - the website sayeth thus:

n) Furler

1. It is recommended that the furler on the sloop rigged boats be retained but may be dispensed with provided that the tack of the jib is not less than 100mm from the apex of the bridle.

Which isn't what you said - you naughtly boy - I'll bring along my handbag to flagellate you with !!

Why did I look, because someone challenged me on something quite different - and yes, I can't use high modulus carbon for the mast (dammit, hehehehe!).

Oh, this is the website that I, as a mere mortal can see - the private site of the Inner Circle may well differ.


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From the web site QUOTE "The style of rigging may not be altered, i.e. the boat must be rigged with two (2) forestays and two (2) shrouds attached to the normal attachment points as per specifications, except that on sloop rigged boats the two forestays may be dispensed with provided that the bridle length and the furler are as per specification. Wire diameter may be increased but not decreased. Adjusters for tensioning rigging may be added. All rigging, ie stays shrouds bridle dolphin striker wire etc, excluding the halyard, jib strop and luff wire, are to be plastic coated or covered. It is recommended that side stay adjustment chainplates are covered with plastic tubing or the like".

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You will need to look on our website, (The maricat one Mick) go to 4.3 rules and then scroll down to Equipment Specifications Section n) where it states and I quote

"It is recommended that the furler on sloop rigged boats be retained but may be dispensed with provided that the tack of the jib is not less than 100mm from the apex of the bridle."


Bulldozer has left the building.

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  • 5 months later...

Have not been reading the forums much lately, but have to comment on Pointed Reply's note. I guess you mean ZAX when you talk about a certain Super Sloop furling a jib. There is no rule against that in any class of sailing boat that I know of.

What next, get upset when someone has a trapese on a supersloop and does not use it ?


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