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New old boat

Paul R

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I have just returned to the Maricat fold with the purchase of a Mk1 4.3 ( numbered in the 1400s) that needs some TLC.

I need to repair one of the tramp tracks as the rivets are are pulling out. I would like to keep the original style rater than go to annex tracks for comfort reasons.

The boat seems quite solid.

Does anyone know what gel coat supplier best matches the Maricat white?

Hope to be out on the water soon.

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If the original colour gel coat is still available it probably would not match anyway as your boat will have certainly discoloured. Most of the area will be covered by the track anyway.

By the jib wire do you mean the wire inside the luff of the sail ? If so it should be long enough to stick out the bottom of the sail. If it is twisted it should be replaced. Just take the sail and wire into your local ship chandler, like Whitworths at Lane Cove. No need to go to Brisbane !!

There are lots of Maricats that sail at Concord/Ryde Sailing Club.

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Thanks Pointed Reply

So from what you are saying if the jib wire just sticks out of the sail at each end that is correct then.

I guess mast rake adjusted with a small length of cord tripled or better and then tied off.

The gelcoat is for other areas of the boat unfortunaly not under the tracks so I will have to play around.

I will have to get down to Concord/Ryde to check out the Maricats there.

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I am a strong supporter of retaining/repairing the original tramp track system, mainly for comfort. Drill out the old rivets, fill the holes, redrill and rivet. You may need to put in some extra rivets. To test for leaks blow air up the bung hole either by month or VERY gently with a vaccum cleaner. Spray all over the joints, screws and rivets with a detergent and water mix.

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