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Hi Guys

PT 3061 progress:

One hull off the jig working on the second.

For those interested it took six days from cutting the first piece of ply to pulling it off the jig. (This included waiting a day every time I scarfed as I did not have enough clamps)

Since then I have bought more clamps so things should speed up considerably.

As an example, today I glued three sets of scarfs so I expect this hull to be off in about three days.

Thanks to Neil for the loan of the jig and to Ralph for several templates and his awesome scarfing jig.

Alex Boyes

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Decks on, hulls have been bolted together, (Now apart again for fairing and primer coat)

Sail ordered from Red Head Sails.

Ian at Redhead sails is a really helpful bloke and he is also quite committed to the class.

The sail and tramp will be delivered in five weeks by which time PT3061 should be about ready to hit the water.

(Stay tuned for launch party details)

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Launch location- Lake Illawarra.

Man, I am getting sick of sanding.

I have commissioned my son (who is an artist) to go wild with the artwork.

I am going to paint the hulls white and then let him loose. (I have managed to reign him in from his usual dark themes, so we will see how it goes. (Might distract from some of the little bumps and lumps as I can see myself chucking in this sanding caper pretty soon)

As to the project going well, yes it is. It is pretty straight foward really and I am fortunate that due to my current job (Electrician in a closing down Margarine factory) I have lots of time to devote to the boat.

I really want to get it finished before The need arises for a real job.

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OK, getting close now.

Spent about four hours today ensuring rudders are parallel, then started thinking how we only ever have one down at a time....

Anyway, start rigging the mast and boom tomorrow.

Wieghed the boat, minus traveller, inspection ports, compass and chainplates.

Came in at 46kg (on an old set of bathroom scales) so it looks like I am going OK.

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