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Tiger Build

Bob Merrick

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I'm looking for plans to build a Paper Tiger in the US. I've sent out lots of e-mails but have yet to get a response. Can someone please contact me about plans? I'd rather not do this over the phone from the opposite side of the world.



my e-mail is

BMerrick at sbcglobal.net

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it would have been bright to have told you who David is.... so here goes:

David Stumbles

Publicity Officer

Paper Tiger Catamaran International Association.

[edited as per Davids request]

(based in Wollongong, NSW, Australia)

[This message has been edited by Stephen T (edited 21 April 2006).]

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As mentioned to you in my e-mail last night, I have had trouble posting to this site. Hopefully all the information I sent you will be sufficient, but please let me know if you need anything further. There is no shortage of information we can supply to assist you along the way.


Dave Stumbles

Publicity Officer

Paper Tiger Catamaran International Association

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