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Nacra F20 Carbon For Sale

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The new Nacra F20 Carbon has arrived in Australia and is for sale.

Breifly the F20 is a 3.2m wide, 20ft long carbon fiber Nacra.

10.5m carbon wing mast

carbon epoxy hulls

Carbon curved foils

and max cloth carbon fiber sails. with a total sail area of 54.2m

This is a seriously fast boat, launched in Europe the summer of 2010 and now launched in Australia.

Over 50 sold world wide in its first year of prodution.

The boat is currently set up in the nacra showroom in Brisbane

For more info, photos and videos check out the nacra website at nacra.com

For details on the sale and Pricing contact me at jrleitner@live.com or Brisbane Catamaran Center

Cheers Jamie

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