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witch cat


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i have

black witch [18foot, 9m mast]

bit of a handful for one in a blow, fast and fun in medium to light winds though, bit awkward and heavy to set up and retrieve

windrush 14

quick to set up, easy, and good in a blow, bit slow in light conditions

Want one boat to compromise between, under $3k

alpha omega ? mosquito, ? 16sq, f14, paper tiger ?

must be fiberglass

what are your thought gentleman please

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It's not on your list, but an 'old' Mk4 A Cat would fit the bill: knock the socks off all the cats listed above, light, easy to rig (assuming carbon mast), predictable and well behaved in all conditions - even 30kn, quick in light air, and easy to right if you do lose it (assuming carbon rig). Got mine on eBay for $3k, although I did have the carbon mast from a separate purchase, incl sail for $1200 - that's $4.2k all up. Plus the usual money bleed along the way - it is a boat after all!

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Jack's A was $2500 Micky, with carbon rig. There's another close by for same dosh but ally mast. I'd personally like to see you in an AO, quick jiggers. JD is talking about selling his Taipan but it'll be 'spensive, around $8k. A Nacra 5.2 would be around $2500 for a goody, young K got his for $1500, might be worth talking to Charlie as his 5.8 may be coming up?

Whatever you do mate, that Witch will be going nowhere but my backyard. BTW I've still got the keys to it, don't forget, and JBear has paid the storage so stop worrying about Lando.

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dear cpt pauly

No 1 budget

No 2 how do you reckon id go in 20 knots on an A/taipan

No 3 aren't you meant to be under 85kg or you'll break it?

No 3 keep keys in case you fell need for speed or polishing ???????? :)

No 4 love charlie, not sure i want to pick his bones

No 5 5.8 up round witch weight

No 6 5.2 maybe

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