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Place to go

Dr Peter

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This coming January, myself and madam first mate are thinking of cruising at Lake Macquarie in our trailer sailer "Pip" an Investigator 563. The main issue is a reasonably secure place to leave our car and trailer while we get out there. Any suggestions.


Commodore YYC

Maricat 2416

Investigator 563

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OK - change of plan - Gippsland Lakes - not so far and we know where everything is including our other club: the Paynesville Motor Cruiser Club. I know! a stink-pot club. Great showers and a good discount in the restaurant and bar.

So - we won't be talking, Darcy. Maybe next time.


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What dates Pete? There are a few AWYC boats headed down on the first/second of Jan. I was heading down but it'll be later in Jan now, possibly the 14th for 7 days. BTW have you seen the blue/green algae reports? Bad around PV, Grange and Metung but apparently clear elsewhere.

Pity you couldn't get up to LM, fantastic place. I usually leave the car at Wangi or Rathmines, no problems, good ramps and great marinas. At Rathmines you can chain the trailer to some TP logs and then back the car over the drawbar, at Wangi I've left the car/trailer in the WASC carpark before, very TS friendly.

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