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If we knew where you are located, it would be easier to refer you to the appropriate club.

To find one yourself, try using http://maps.google.com.au

- enter the search term "sailing club" in quotes like that, and the name of your local waterway. The map will then display the locations of any sailing clubs there.

- mouse over or click on the red place-marker, and contact details, website etc for the club will be available

Alternatively, go to your state's Yachting organisation, and use their "club search" function. Yachting NSW provide this map: http://www.nsw.yachting.org.au/default.asp?Page=35252&MenuID=Clubs/1055/0/

Each of these sailing clubs are different, but are likely to include:

- regular sailing races, supervised by experienced people on power boats who can quickly effect a rescue, if required

- "try sailing day" 1st weekend in November each year, when any member of the public may try sailing with an experience skipper

- sailing schools, to assist beginners make the first step into sailing. Some have more advanced schools for serious racers

- a committee of volunteers, dedicated to helping people in their pursuit of sailing. Most regulars on this forum are on sailing club committees, a boat class association committee, or both

For an example, please see the website of my local club, the Wallagoot Lake Boat Club:


I'm particularly proud of the Race Reports pages.

Hope that helps!

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