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Corrected Time Calculator App


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Hi guys, 

I recently put together a Corrected Time Calculator smart phone app as a backup for our system out at Lake Samsonvale. I"m thinking that it also may come in handy for sailors competing in yardstick races and in race control situations at other clubs so I've put them in the app stores for sale ($5.99 for iOS and $4.99 for Android).

The app has a VYC Calculator screen where you input elapsed time and choose your VYC yardstick from a dropdown and a custom or non-vyc yardstick screen where you can enter a yardstick that isn't on the VYC list. It also has a Yardstick Info screen where the current VYC yardsticks are listed and other relevant information. The yardsticks will be updated as they become available and an update of the app released so you'll always have a current list. The app doesn't require an internet connection so it can be used anywhere.

If there is any interest I'll look at adding things like a stopwatch feature and results tables in future versions. Please check it out if you think it might be useful to you!



iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/vyc-corrected-time-calculator/id1135638996?ls=1&mt=8

Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.net.websolutionsaustralia.VYCTime    




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