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2009/2010 F18 Nationals


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To All,

Time to ensure you have all entered online at the Audi Geelong Race Week Web Site. NOR, Online Entry and event details can be found at the following links.

18 Nationals NOR Jan 23rd 24th 25th Jan 2010


F18 Nationals Online Registration


F18 Nationals Entries to Date



James Ogilvie

0400 701 878

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To all F18 Sailors,

Nationals are coming upon us and prior to sailing we all need to ensure our certificates are current and all sails have be measured.

After discussion with the National Measurer the following has been agreed for new Sails.

Standard Production Sails "Nacra" "Capricorn" "Hobie Tiger", requiring certificates will be issued paperwork based on manufacturer supplied measurements and no, on site measurements required. (Fees will Apply)

Other Supplied Sails from manufacturers, if you require certificates for non production sails please contact me at james@ausf18.org.au to obtain a measurement template and have your manufacturer complete the details prior to the nationals. These will then be updated with certificates prior to sailing. (Fees will Apply)

New Boats other than “Nacra” "Capricorn" "Hobie Tiger". Please contact me or Greg Goodall to organise for requirements to have your boat measured prior to the event. (Fees will Apply)

Any issues please contact me on the email above or on 0400 701 878


James Ogilvie

Australian F18 President

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