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Nacra 5.8 - pointing


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Advice anyone? - how hard do you sheet the main on a Nacra 5.8 upwind? On the weekend in about 15-18 knots I had downhaul on enough so no wrinkles, Jib downhaul tight, mast raked back and was being out pointed by most boats (including some non-centreboard ones). Happened to get frustrated and yank the mainsheet on to about 7-10" (normally I'd say there is about 12-14" between blocks(low profile latest harkens) and must've picked up 10 or 15 degrees. Do others haul it on close to "block to block" or what? Maybe my main is showing some age...


Nacra 5.8 #1602

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I've found that pointing the boat a little too high releases some presuure in the main and you can yank the blocks on. This results in the foot of the sail below the leach directly above the rear beam being about 450mm above the tramp. Use the downhaul to keep the boat under control. Also move your weight up to the side stay just next to your crew I've found this helps us point a little better

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