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Race Officers Course


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Hi Folks

Want to get accreditation as a Race Officer?

A Club Level Race Officers Course is being held by Yachting NSW at the Tuggerah Lakes Memorial Club. (not the sailing club)

The course will cover the roles and responsibilities of Race Officers, race documentation, event management, facilities and equipment, procedures and

protest, penalties and appeals.

All the basic skills for Club Level race management will be covered and discussed.

Certificates will be sent to those who complete the course.

The course is being presented by Brad Andrew, he is a national race officer and has been chairman of the NSW Race Officers committee.

Saturday the 6th of November.

Tuggerah Lakes Memorial Club. (ask at desk)

Cost is $32 per head and starts at 10am to 5pm

RSVP Sarah Robson on 02 96601266 or email at sarah.robson@nsw.yachting.org.au

Regards Tony Jenkins

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