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16 Sq Pointing


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Scotty is spot on as usual. If the outhaul car (at the foot of the sail) is too far back it will not point. Also try running the traveller car (on the rear beam) out about 70mm ( this will stop the bottom of the main choking) and sheet on the main fairly hard. This will obviously vary with different wind strengths. A 16 sq should easily outpoint a Hobie 16.

Good luck & good sailing.

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I found my speed is slightly fatser but I still have trouble pointing. I cant quite figure it out in my head but my sail is very flat and well set with very little twist like a good aero foil should be. I get good performance of speed but the point where she starts to luff is not as high as the Hobbie cats. I noticed they have an amazing amount of rake in there rig. The test you do with the trap to test mast angles can anybody elaborate further on how its done as with a Nacra 16 foot sq there is only one hatch near the rear of the hull.

I think my mast is too far forward and here is my reasoning.

I sail front foot on the side stay when on trap because when I go further forward I run the risk of nose diving from small chop.

I did also notice I can fly a hull and then move back and she picks up her bow and noticably speeds up like she is on the plane. Its a fine line to maintain and I wish I new more about this. My center boards and rudders could need adjusting so I can maintain more rake with less wether helm?

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To test mast rake, take a trapese wire to the tang where the front stays attach, (add a bit of rope to it as it will not be long enough), then take the point where the rope touches the tang, to the the reardeck. It should generally touch the deck midway between the rear beam & the inspection port.

You may have to adjust it forwards or backwards to suit your weight and wind strength. Move back for strong winds & forward for light winds.

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Your mast might be over rotated. This would make the sale luff early and badly affect up wind performance. It has already been said but run your inhaul car as far forward as it will go and pull the main in hard. This will help limit mast rotation and the boat should luff later.

Originally posted by scumbag#1:

To test mast rake, take a trapese wire to the tang where the front stays attach, (add a bit of rope to it as it will not be long enough), then take the point where the rope touches the tang, to the the reardeck. It should generally touch the deck midway between the rear beam & the inspection port.

You may have to adjust it forwards or backwards to suit your weight and wind strength. Move back for strong winds & forward for light winds.

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One step closer to fixing the pointing problem. As I suspected my mast needs to be raked back about a foot as its leaning slightly forward. The old rudder system has to go to be replaced by the 2:1 system and I will need to check my rudder alignment and adjust it to the recomended setting.

Thanks Peter from the Kernell Catamaran Club.

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