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Nacra 5.0 - the catamaran of the future


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The off the beach multi hull world let out a howl of anguish on learning that Jason Buckland and Michael Scharf had decided to sell their 16sq's. Prospects brightened with rumours in the press that the boys have placed an order with Rosco for a 5.0. When interviewed recently (leaving the offices of a massive corporate sponsor [pub]) Bucko said "The 5.0 is the superior boat. With no centreboards we will have less to do, which means we can devote some time to tackling the big issues, such as child poverty and the drought. We intend to take cans of beer and rum with us to assist us to think clearly on those issues. Interviews for roller chicks will commence early in the new year."

Bucko has secured a ride on a 5.0 at the Nationals recently acquired by new comer Scotty Jones. Southport Yacht Club will be (properly) represented by "big guns" Steve and Kerry on their new 5.0 "Fastway Couriers".

Will the Neeskin Dynasty remain in power? Will Bucko be able to handle to horsepower of the mighty 5.0? Are the Guinea brothers gay?

Be the first to know the answer to these questions, go to the Nationals!

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Funny you should ask. Just before lunch I went up to Jan at the bar and asked for a Martini. She had never made one before and had to pull out the recipe book. She said "This is a fancy drink, this must be a special occasion. I'll make you a second, on the house!" to which I replied "No thanks, one should take the taste away."

On a lighter note, Wozza got Rosco to tell me that I already know the answer to the third question. I can't be sure because he told me it was only the 7th time.

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