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Nacra 5.2 parts and bits


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I had an exciting times this week on a 5.2 in some gusty winds up to 20 knots. The end result was that the stay which holds the mast wire bent and the pin holding the mast wire slipped out with the mast consequently coming down. The stay - metal piece with a number of holes for the mast wire - needs replacing, as does the white ball under the mast. Any tips on where to get these bits from? Are they standard fare and hence available at any boating goods seller?

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some of the pieces you require,(mast ball, and most likely the long steel rod that supports it, if this is bent) are available from the manufacturer,who is always able to help with parts and advice.

Brisbane Catamaran Centre. 07 32714944.

visit their web site also, if you have Google, just type in NACRA, and you will be there.

pete smile.gif

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Hey Pete that was quick - can you help on two more things -

1. The boom got bent - large boy falling off when tipping the boat - I'd say its about 5 degrees off straight. will having it straightened be effective or will it always be a weak spot and I should replace it?

2. What do you call the piece that joins the two rudders - that broke too!!

Originally posted by xmatelot:


some of the pieces you require,(mast ball, and most likely the long steel rod that supports it, if this is bent) are available from the manufacturer,who is always able to help with parts and advice.

Brisbane Catamaran Centre. 07 32714944.

visit their web site also, if you have Google, just type in NACRA, and you will be there.

pete smile.gif

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glad to be of help.

the boom can be straightened, but it needs great care. the "tiller crossbar" and fittings are available from BCC, as I mentioned earlier. It really would be in your best interests to talk to the guys at bris cats, they make the boats, and are only a phone call away, and have overnight delivery all over australia

pete smile.gif

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