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Its Gonna Happen!

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On the grapevine, we hear a lot of positive interest in the F18 from sailors from many classes. It seems the manufacturers are researching F18 options. Previously, we've heard just about every reason why Australian Cat sailing should not go F18. The Hobie Tiger which is a stock F18, has dispelled most of those myths. Sure its a bit heavier,BUT ITS JUST AS FAST!

Surely the best thing is that all sailors from different persuasions (read brand/class loyalty) will finally race together on virtually the same equipment and the best sailors will win. Not only that, the standard of all sailors in the class will improve through increased competition.

With REAL world championships, the F18 class opens a whole new world to many of us who have not had access to international sailing before.

Better still, if it is promoted right, the F18 class will be something that sponsors will get behind because the sailing is exciting and easy to understand. Who knows, we might even see local catamarans carrying substantial individual sponsorship again.

If you are tired of doing the same old thing and the fire has just about gone out, go for a ride on an F18 and rediscover the fun and thrills that catsailing can provide. Big fleets of fast boats blasting upwind and downwind on one hull are the way to go.

Contact Peter Skewes cosmo@shoalhaven.net.au if you are interested in an Australian F18 Association

Mal Gray

F18/Tiger/H16 sailor and Hobie Dealer

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