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Big Cartwheel

Guest Fat Boys Rule

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Guest Fat Boys Rule

Mal, how deep is Lake Cootharaba? Would you say about half a spinaker pole deep!!

And the winner of cartwheel of the year is?....Mal (I CAN FLY )Gray!!!

Great effort looked unreal from out infront!

From Scott (Thank God For That We Can Back Off Now)

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All I can say is that these boats are tough! You wouldn't reckon a whole Tiger could sit on the pole without something breaking- three times in one day! I must admit that I have never stacked it that bad before. The last one just happened before we had time to blink, and when the mast hit the piss as i was still clinging to the rear beam eighteen feet in the air, one centreboard shot out of the case and landed ahead of the whole boat!!

It would have been nice to have someone to race, but all you PUSSIES went home early. Whats a bit of mud and a few busted battens?

Full report and results when I get over my injuries.

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