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Aust Day Regatta

Guest press release

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Guest press release

New F18 by Australian High Performance Catamaran is a Winner!

Over Australia Day Weekend The new Australian manufactured F18, the Capricorn co designed by Greg Goodall of Australian High Performance Catamarans and Martin Fischer won its first major event against the large American corporation of Hobie Cat.

Eight F18’s turned up for the Torquay Sailing Club’s Inaugural F18 Worrall Cup held in conjunction with the annual Australia Day Weekend Regatta. Two teams from the Hobie Factory, unquestionably the number one catamaran sailor in the world Darren Bundock and his crew Alex; and current Australian F18 Champion Nev Thompson and crew Sheamus, made the journey interstate to battle it out against the Australian based Capricorn teams of Greg Goodall, multiple A-Class world champion and director of AHPC and crew Chris; and Mark Laruffa and crew Scott. The remainder of the fleet comprised of Tigers from Frankston Yacht Club.

Day one, race one saw the Bill Worrell Memorial Coaster from Torquay to Anglesea. Bundock was used as a rabbit for a gate start for the entire fleet of 50 boats. Initially giving him a slender lead over Goodall and Lovig of Frankston YC. The fleet encountered a 15-18 knot work, up the beautiful coastline between Torquay and Anglesea, passing the famous beaches of JanJuc and Bells Beach. The half way mark of Point Addis saw Goodall hold a commanding lead with Lovig hanging onto second over Mark Laruffa who had worked his way through the fleet after a late start with Bundock dropping back to fourth. With the wind fading Laruffa overtook Lovig and continued to reel in teammate on the Capricorn, however Goodall’s experience and talent allowed him to hold his lead to take first place, with Laruffa second, Bundock third, closely followed by Scott Lovig fourth.

After a stopover at Anglesea for lunch the fleet raced back to Torquay in a freshening sea breeze. Bundock, Laruffa and Thompson got an early jump due to some confusion on the start. Thompson opted to run a more direct line to the half waypoint, whilst Laruffa and Bundock battled out a hairy reach, both looking for height to hoist their kites. Laruffa hoisted first, Bundock second and Thompson not too much after. The battle now shifted from competitors to the evils of Mother Nature. Laruffa proved their heavy weather skills could not be matched by Bundock who was left to battle with Thompson for second place, until a huge nosedive by Bundock gave Thompson second and Goodall third.

Racing on day two shifted back to traditional courses around the bouys Laruffa snatched the lead from Bundock on the first downhill, until a costly gear failure dropped him back to fourth. Bundock and Thompson finished first and second, with Goodall third.

The second race of the day saw a great battle between Goodall and Bundock, with the lead swapping several times. Laruffa continued another close battle with Thompson for third and fourth.

The remainder of the races saw the dominance of the Capricorns along with the experience of Laruffa, Goodall and their crews to finish first and second. With the last three races being won by Laruffa and Scott (Capricorn) this giving them the overall win with Goodall and Chris (Capricorn) second on count back with Bundock and Alex (Tiger) finishing third.

Once again a great weekend of F18 racing was had by all. Special thanks must be given to all involved with the Torquay Sailing Club for a huge weekend of sailing and fun. We must note that this was not a sole F18 regatta with many classes enjoying close racing and many hours of socialising.

Congratulations to Aaron Worrall and Shaun sailing a Hobie 16 for winning on handicap the Bill Worrall Memorial Torquay to Anglesea Coaster. For further results go to www.torquaysailingclub.org.au

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