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QLD Taipan State Championships to be held in conjunction with the Formula 18 QLD championships

April 25th, 2008 to April 27th , 2008.

Organizing Authorities:

Taipan Capricorn Catamaran Association

Australian Formula 18 Catamaran Association Incorporated

In conjunction with the

Humpybong Yacht Club.

Humpybong Yacht Club invites sailors of Taipan catamarans and sailors of F18 catamarans to the Taipan and F18 Queensland Championships to be sailed on April 25th, 26th and 27th 2008 at Humpybong Yacht Club, Hornibrook Esp. Woody Point. Redcliffe QLD 4019. PH.38832170. Web Site: www.hyc.net.au

Accommodation can be found on web site.

Free Camping Available at the Club or sleep in the Club Rooms.

1. Rules

The regatta will be governed by the current rules as defined in the I.S.A.F. Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2005-2008, the special regulations of Yachting Australia,

the Championship Rules of the Taipan Catamaran Association and Formula18 Class Rules, (except if any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions) and by the Sailing Instructions.

Series will be classed as Category C for advertising.

2. Eligibility and Entry

2.1 The regatta is open to boats of the Taipan and Capricorn Catamaran Class and F18 Catamaran Class that have current measurement certificates and whose skipper and, or crew (as to their associations rule) are financial members of the Taipan / Capricorn Catamaran Association of Australia or the F18 association of Australia and who hold a Yachting Australia Silver Card.

2.2 Eligible boats may enter on the attached Entry Form, which shall be lodged with Humpybong Yacht club on the morning of the 25th April, between 8.00am and 11.00am., accompanied by the required fee (see Item 3).

2.3 Taipan 5.7 competitors are required to nominate their sail configuration, to be fixed for the entire regatta, on the entry form. Those Taipan 5.7 competitors, who nominate a spinnaker, shall be handicapped relative to those Taipan 5.7 competitors, who do not nominate a spinnaker, in accordance with the current Yachting Queensland yardstick spinnaker adjustment. All boats shall have public liability insurance to the value of at least $5 million (insurance certificates must be presented).

3. Fees

F18 $120

Taipan 5.7 $120

Taipan 4.9 sloop $120

Taipan 4.9 cat $100

Entry will included T-shirts and Friday and Saturday evening meals.

4. Schedule of Events

4.1 Registration

Friday 25th April 8:00 to 11:00

4.2 Races

Time of Warning Signal

Division Capricorn /F18/5.7 4.9 sloop 4.9 cat


Day & date Hrs Hrs Hrs

Information Session: Fri April 25th 1100

Race 1 Fri April 25th 1330

Race 2 Fri April 25th Back to back with Race 1

Race 3 Sat April 26th 10:30am

Race 4 Sat April 26th Back to back with race 3

Race 5 Sat April 26th 1330

Race 6 Sat April 26th Back to back with race 5

Race 7 Sun April 27th 10:00am

Race 8 Sun April 27th Back to back with race 7. No start after 11:30 on final day

Resails will be held at the discretion of the race committee.

4.3 Social Event

A Barbecue will be held on Friday evening and a pizza night on Saturday evening.

This is included in entry price. Extras will be $10 per head.

5. Measurements

Each boat shall comply with valid measurements or ratings as required by the Class Rules of the TCAA Catamaran Association of Australia and F18 Association with a current measurement certificate.

6. Sailing Instructions

The sailing instructions will be available on Friday 25th April, 2008, at Humpybong Yacht Club

7. Regatta Site

The regatta site will be Humpybong Yacht Club

Cnr Hornibrook Esplanade & Oxley Ave - Woody Point - Qld 4019

P.O. Box 34 - Woody Point - Qld 4019

Telephone: 07-3883-2170

E-mail: humpybongyachtclub@yahoo.com.au

Web: www.hyc.net.au

8. The racing area will be adjacent to Humpybong Yacht Club.

9. The course will be described at briefing (information session).

10. The Low Point scoring system, A.4.1 will apply.

11. A boat shall neither make nor receive radio transmissions, including mobile telephones, which would contravene Rule 41 while racing.

12. Prizes will be awarded to the first three place getters in each Division with at least 5 boats.

Further information can be obtained from the following:

Matt Homan Warren Guinea

0409745404 briscat@briscatamaran.com.au


Please Note: All Taipans intending to sailing with Big Head mains will be allowed to race in there divisions but their results will be removed from the over all scoring and not counted for the state title.


Qld State Championship Taipan and F18

Boat Name: …………………………


5.7 (with spinnaker) 5.7(without spinnaker)



Sail Number:………………….............……

Hull Colour:…..................….………..…..

Insurance Co. and Policy No…………………………………………………………….

Skipper:……………………………............ Age: .....................………..

Yachting Australia Member No:.....................………..




E-mail: ..............................................................

Name of Crew:……………..………….......

Yachting Australia Member No:.....…………………..



E-mail: ..............................................................

I AGREE TO BE BOUND by the Racing Rules of the ISAF; the prescriptions and Racing Regulations of Yachting Australia, the Taipan Association Class Rules and F18 Association Rules, all as modified by the Sailing Instructions of the 2008 Taipan and F18 Catamaran Queensland Championships.

I further acknowledge and agree that in consideration of my entry into this series being accepted, without any obligation on your part to so accept my entry, my participation and the participation of my crew, is at my own risk.

I am wholly and solely responsible for the seaworthiness, sufficiency and adequacy of my yacht and its equipment, and any decision to sail in any race or in the series waters between races shall be my own. I hereby indemnify and hold blameless the Humpybong Yacht Club,

their members, officers or agents from all claims, costs and demands whatsoever and howsoever arising from the acceptance of this entry and the participation of myself and my crew whether it be for personal injury or damage to boat and equipment and whether during rescue operations or otherwise. I also declare that I hold a current insurance policy with a public liability of at least $5 000 000.

Signed: …………………………………Skipper Date: …………………

…………………………………Crew Date: …………………

I enclose the following amounts:

Race fee $............. 00

Total $............. .00

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