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NSW F18 Travellers Series

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Hi all,

I have been requested by some NSW F18 Sailors to see if we can possibly look into a Travellers Series for the next coming season. This would be similar to the Nacra Super Series which will allow all of the F18's to get together at a minimum of once a month.

A proposal has been to include the following events, each of these events and clubs already have F18 Fleets and to include a travellers series would boost the numbers to a least a minimum of 10 boats for a club race even higher for the Titles as seen recently.

1. Foster Wild Cat Regatta

2. Speers Point Regatta

3. Wollongong open Cat Regatta

4. Kurnel Sailing Club - Possible Marathon Race

5. NSW F18 State Titles

6. Mannering Park Regatta

7. Gosford Sailing Club

8. Speers Point Marathon

9. National F18 Titles

10. Batemans Bay Regatta

11. Open for Proposal

For those of you interested please contact me directly on the details below and over the next few weeks we can talk to clubs and confirm events. I will post details on the F18 Web Site and we can use the F18 Regatta Manager to run scoring, promote clubs and each events.

Who's up for it ?


James Ogilvie

Australian F18 President

0400 701 878


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looks like an awesome program, I am sure that the 5.8's will combine with the F18's on a number of these events.

On behalf of Speers Point Sailing Club( as senior vice president of the club), we will be happy to have you at our Speers Point Annual regatta usually held late in October.

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