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Rigging a Jib

Guest dexter

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I am trying to attach a jib to my Maricat 4.3, but currently I have my boat Cat Rigged. Does anyone know the lengths of the bridle and forestay required to attatch a jib?

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check out the maricat web site


on there you will find the specifications and tips to rig etc

From memeory the bridle length is dictated by the class rules of 1010mm for each length of wire bridle which join under the furler(do you have one Ronstan rf76) and attaching to each bow.

there is then usually a wire strop from swivel at head of jib to hounds, it's length is dependent upon the amount of rake you want to carry on your mast and is sometimes connected to an adjuster to vary this due to conditions.....

If you are in Sydney drop in to one of the clubs sailing maricats....

Sat arvo Concorde Ryde sc At Putney or Kurnell sc On Sunday Arvos....

Mannering Park Sth end of lake Macquarie or Port Kembla SC @ Lake Illawarra...

Any further Help just ask....

we have a person within our club (Kurnell) who can do you a plastic coated wire bridle that meets class rules or contact ...

Andrew and /or Dale @


online shop for spare parts etc for maricats and nacras...



[This message has been edited by shy thunder (edited 23 December 2004).]

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