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2nd Hand PTs


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Your best bet is the state newsletters. How easy it will be to find a boat depends on where you are located. Victoria has the most PTs, so they generally have the most for sale. However, there are other ones in other states at various times. New Zealand also has a reasonable second-hand market, if you are located there.

Give me an indication of where you are based and I can provide further information or contacts.

The issue of how much money you would have to spend is debatable. As long as the boat meets the following requirements, it should be competitive:

- on or close to the minimum weight of 50kg (a few kg over is no real disadvantage, it is more a mental thing);

- reasonably stiff hulls;

- a good sail (probably the most important thing);

- good centreboards and rudders (smooth, fair shape).

Undoubtedly, the most important item is the skipper! A good sailor on a fair boat will win far more often than a fair sailor on a good boat.

Plywood hulls are just as competitive as foam sandwich, but tend to require a little more upkeep over the longer period. You will find that ply boats tend to be a lot cheaper to purchase second-hand.

For a competitive plywood boat, you would have to be looking at around $1500 plus. For foam sandwich, you could be looking at $3000 plus. Bargains come along every so often. However, at the moment, good second hand foam sandwich boats are fetching more than this.

Please let me know if you need any further information.

David Stumbles

Publicity Officer

Paper Tiger Catamaran International Association

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