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Paint type for plywood PT

Stephen G

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I have used wattyl marine Poly-U 400 topcoat with epinamel primer on several yachts to good effect, and you arent paying extra for the name of the brand you just mentioned. I think with a wood boat you would possibly need their wood sealer which is basically the same as everdure.

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Dear Steve the most important thing is what is under the paint. If you have stripped the hull down to bare timber the first thing to do is coat the hull with West system or bote kote epoxy. Dont use a paint brush use a plastic spatula of some sort and scrape it on . Sand smooth and do it again Sand smooth and do it again sand smooth and apply whatever paint you like-- two pot polyurethane or automotive lacquer or house paint. the epoxy under the paint will fill the grain prevent water absorbtion and assure a smooth finish. I use a two pot polyurethane with no undercoat and it always works well , car paint may nneed an undercoat. House enamel will stick to the sanded epoxy it MUST be sanded.

Originally posted by Stephen G:


Can anyone recommend a good paint to use to paint my plywood PT? I have used International Brightside and it's associated primer and undercoat with reasonable results. I was wondering of anyone knew of another, possibly better paint to use.


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