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Got my battens today


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Getting closer to the initial sail :)

I still am sourcing webbing for my hiking straps. None of the straps I have found have been wide enough to my liking.

I have also ordered plastic wheels to make my own beach wheels. They should be here next week.

I just hope I have all my shit together when it time to leave for the cottage.

I am not happy at all with my hobie rudders at all. They have lots of play in them.

I would like to get new cheek plates and somehow re-rig the rudders.



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  • 2 weeks later...

For the hiking straps - what have you found so far? We basically use seatbelt webbing which is around 50mm wide. I'm not sure of any other material would be suitable. You don't want too much stretch in them.

Rudders - what do you mean by play? is it like a car with power steering where you can turn the steering wheel a certain degree before the wheels move? or are the rudders loose in the rudder cases. for the latter, this is dangerous and they can snap.


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The rudders have about a 1/4" of clearance in one casting. This is total, 1/8 of an inch on either side.

The total system has some play as the holes in cross bar are a little oval at this point.

I would like to replace the whole rudder assmbly with the original design spec.

I think I am going to buy the plans and see if I can get a set of proper rudders and along with the tillers made. I wonder if I can re-use the hobie blades as they are in pristine condition.

I have seen some guys have the cheek plates made out of bent square tube, however on other boats it looks like it was bolted together(no fancy bends).


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Unfortunately at this point in time, the plans for a Paper Tiger doesn't show the current design of the rudders and rudder cases.

I'll see if I have a picture of the setup I use.

As for the clearance, that is waaaayyyy too much. the spacing between the rudder and the aluminium case should be a maximium only a fraction of a milimetre (a few 1/100"). when they are down there should pretty much be no free play in them.


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