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Lake Cootharaba - who's going?


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Before making the 4 hour drive from Ballina to Lake Cootharaba this weekend, will there be any other NACRAs there? Particularly interested in how many 16sq are attending. Just trying to get as much competition as possible before nationals. New to class and have heaps to learn.

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I can not make it to the lake this weekend on my 16sq (#29) due to work commitments, I was also talking to doggy last sunday at Humybong and he doesnt think he was going to make it either, the 16sq fleet around South East Qld have been very slow to get motivated this year and nobody has sailed much since the Nationals.

I am trying to move afew work things around to be able to make the Richmond River Regatta later this month.

Hope to catch up with you there.


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