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2012 Maersk Line Paper Tiger Catamaran International Championships


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The 2012 Maersk Line Paper Tiger Catamaran International Championships is about to kick off at McCrae Yacht Club on Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The boats are being measured today and will compete from tomorrow (Friday 6th April) until Monday (9th April).

This event, held two years out of every three, is the pinnacle event for the Paper Tiger Catamaran class.

A full contingent of 20 boats has arrived from New Zealand and will be competing against 30 Australian boats, providing an absolutely top-level competition. The New Zealand group consists of their national team of ten boats, plus another ten invited boats. The Australian team of ten will compete against the Kiwi team for team honours, while all 50 boats will compete for the prize of International Champion.

You can follow the results on the host club's website at:


Or you can link to this from the bottom of the home page of the Paper Tiger Catamaran website at:


(click the link under the Maersk Line logo)

The event organisers would like to express their heartfelt thanks to Maersk Line, the shipping company that has made this event possible.

If you have any questions about the event, or about the Paper Tiger Catamaran class, please feel free to contact me.


David Stumbles


Paper Tiger Catamaran International Association

M: +61 (0)400 476 449

E: ptcia@papertigercatamaran.org

W: www.papertigercatamaran.org

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