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shallow draft rudders


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chasing two or more sets of shallow draft rudders to fit to maricats. or that could be made to fit or plans to build some. really need help and advice. also just wondering what the tension on the dolphin stricker wire is? have just replace wire but was loose to start with so not sure of the correct tension. any advise or tips would be great



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Since no-one's answered, this is my take - 1. the dolphin tension should be tight - not too tight, ie not enough to bend the beam but no slack at all.

2. for the rudders (I won't ask why you want them) ring Darcy - he may have one lying around that you can take a pattern off. Darcy has his phone number all over the place - look in the Maricat section.

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Dophin striker tension straight out of the tuning guide pasted at the top of this forum

The dolphin striker should be set at a tension that the main beam has a bend 5 to 8mm higher at the mast step than it would otherwise have with no dolphin striker tension. When normal rig loads are applied when sailing (main sheet hard on) the beam will then come to its correct level. (Ensure you check the dolphin striker rod or wire, nuts and associated fittings each season end. It is the most important structural item on the boat and small attention here can save a lot of expense if it breaks at sea)


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I have a couple of sets of shallow draft rudders. they are more of a 3/4 circle shape rather than a dagger shape. In my experience, they make the boat less lively and responsive in tacking. These ones look to me like DIY rudders with plywood inner core. Let me know if this is suitable and ill upload some pictures for you


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