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Crew wanted for upcoming Season

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Looking for a keen (read - turns up for events !!) crew for Nacra Infusion

Needs to be

Weigh less than 70Kg

Experience with Kites (thats the big sail out the front)

Able to pay their own travel and accom costs - all boat and regatta costs will be paid for by the guy on the back !

Live in Brisbane and be able to sail from RQ on Saturdays

Able to travel to major regattas

Able to put up with being blamed for everything that goes wrong and passing praise to the skipper on any good points that happen on the water

Wanting to go to Spain for Worlds in July 2008

If this is you then please contact andrew holden

0417608850 or jack@catsailor.net

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I have a better idea; prease consider;

You lose 20 kgs and i Skipper...

You have all the experience with kites i need, well almost, Andrew was s#@t-hot...

Winscribe sponsor us both...

I'm a member @ R.Q....

Of course i'll travel...

No, that's now your job...

I speak fluent spanish, greek & swahili with the right amount of square bears...

I look forward to your response and confirmation.


Leroy (Yoda to most)... wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Leapin Leroy (edited 17 July 2007).]

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