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Yarrawonga Victoria Regatta 28th & 29th April


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We are having our Regatta on Anzac weekend 2018 at Yarrawonga Yacht club. . Enjoy two days of sailing on inland Australia’s premier constant level lake for all yacht classes while camping close to the water’s edge!

Saturday April 28 2018

Sunday April 29 2018

Breakfast meals, lunch salad rolls and fruit available from our fully staffed commercial kitchen. Evening meals available with bar sales and free transport to local clubs.

Registration onsite from 9am Saturday.

Racing: Up to 8 races

Saturday April 28 2018: Races commencing at first warning 1257

Sunday April 29 2018: Races commencing at first warning at 0857

Presentation  of trophies at 1400

Entry Fees (GST Inc)

Seniors: $50. $5 for each crew

Juniors: $10

Per Race: $10

Facilities Fee: $10 per person or family per night


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