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23rd/24th February 2019



Lake Oberon, Jenolan St, Oberon NSW 2787









in association with

Maricat Association of NSW & ACT Inc

and in association with

Yachting NSW





23rd/24th February 2019



Organising Authority:  FISH RIVER SAILING CLUB in association with MARICAT Association of NSW & ACT Inc and in association with Yachting NSW



The regatta will be governed by the 2013-20162017-2020 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), by the Prescriptions of Yachting Australia, by part 2 of the Yachting Australia Special Regulations and by the Class Rules and By-Laws of the MARICAT Association of NSW & ACT Inc, except as any of these are altered by the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.


Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the Organising Authority.


Entry is open to all MARICATS for which at least one Full Membership for the 2028/2019 season has been paid to the Association. The nominated helmsperson shall be a member of the MARICAT Association of NSW & ACT Inc. and the forward hand (if applicable) must be nominated at the time of entry.

Eligible boats may enter by completing the entry form, attached to this Notice Of Race, and sending it, together with payment, to the address on the Entry Form.

The following Entry Fee will apply: $50.00 – Championship entry fee.

Entries will be received by the Organising Authority no later than 1100 hours 23rd February, 2019.

All competitors under 16 years of age as at 21st February 2019 are required to lodge a fully completed Junior Indemnity Form, available at registration, which must be signed by a parent or guardian.


Cat-rigged one-up, Sloop rigged two-up
Super Sloop one-up Trap optional
 Maricat 5.0M cat rigged one up
 Maricat 5.0M sloop rigged 2 two-up

* Corrector weights to be applied as per the Class Rules if required.

Entry Fees

Full Weekend$50.00


Maricat Association Membership of $20 for non-current members






23rd Feb Registration 9am -11am

23rd Feb No start before 11am

24th Feb No start before 10am

Presentations will take place as soon as possible after the last race.

Food and drinks are available at the Club House.

A briefing will be held before the start of each session of racing


No more than four races shall be conducted on any one day of the Championship.

Any race whose warning signal is not given by 1530 hours on the last day of the Championship will be abandoned.


Each boat and all equipment shall have been measured by a measurer approved by the MARICAT Association of NSW & ACT Inc. prior to being used in a heat of this championship. The Race Committee reserves the right to inspect any boat or equipment at any time for compliance with the class rules.


Sailing Instructions will be available at registration.


The Championship will be conducted from located at The Fish River Sailing Club, Oberon Dam.  The racing area will be the waters of Oberon Dam. 


The Course will described in the Sailing Instructions.




·       Three races shall be completed to constitute the Championship.

·       When fewer than five races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of all her race scores.

·       When five or more races have been completed, a boat’s score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

·       A Handicap Series will be conducted concurrently with the Championship (scratch) series.


Trophies will be awarded for both scratch and handicap for 1st 2nd, 3rd placings in the Championship when 5 or more entries in a division.. In addition the winners on both scratch and handicap will be awarded perpetual trophies. Other prizes may be awarded subject to the discretion of the Organising Authority.


Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. 


It is the competitor’s decision to enter or to start and continue in any race. Competitors shall accept that their participation is at their exclusive risk in every respect. By way of entry competitors shall indemnify the Organising Authority, The Fish River Sailing Club and Maricat Association of NSW & ACT Inc, their officers, members, servants and agents in respect to all claims and demands of whatever nature which may be made upon them in connection with or howsoever arising from their participation or intended participation.


The Organising Authority, The Fish River Sailing Club The Fish River Sailing Club and Maricat Association of NSW & ACT Inc, their officers, members, servants and agents accept no responsibility in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage to property which may be sustained by reason of their participation or intended participation in an Event or howsoever arising in connection with an Event.



All competing boats shall certify, by entering, that they carry third party liability insurance of an amount of not less than AU$10,000,000.

 For further information contact:

Grady McNee, Maricat Association NSW & ACT Inc. on 0432511817

Mick Colecliffe, Maricat Association NSW & ACT Inc. on 0419 999 785

Bernie Dennis, The Fish River Sailing Club on 0458 412 311

Jenolan Caravan Park Ph: 6336 0344 web: www.jenolancaravanpark.com.au
Big Trout Motor Inn Ph: 6336 2100 web: www.bigtrout.com.au
Highlands Motor Inn Ph: 6336 1866 web: www.highlandsmotorinn.com
Motel Titania Ph: 6336 1377 web:www.titaniamotel.com.au
Royal Hotel Ph: 6336 1011
Tourist Hotel Ph: 6336 1378



The AGM of the MARICAT Association of NSW & ACT Inc Will held on Sunday 24th of February at 0800hrs. Minutes of previous meeting will be sent out via email to members prior to the regatta. All members welcome. Any member who is unable to attend but wishes to raise an item could you please send it in writing to the Secretary Warren Pfeffer, Postal Address: P.O.Box 8175, Summerland Point, NSW, 2259 or email warren.pfeffer@gmail.com




The fish river sailing club, Oberon dam, Jenolan St, Oberon NSW 2787
















































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