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2003 State titles

Guest Qld Nacra Com:

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Guest Qld Nacra Com:

To All Nacra Sailors attending the State Titles at Lake Cootharaba over the Easter break . Please remember your insurance policies and that your membership fees are also due. Cost $35.00 payable at registration. For those sailors who have a Nacra and have not received a notice of race and are interested in attending the state titles you are welcome and your first year membership is free. The dates for the event are Registration 9.30am. Friday 18th April at LCSC Finshing on Sunday 20th April at the presentation dinner Tickets are available at sign on. All are Welcome !

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I couldn’t make it due equipment failure. I went there last weekend for a sail though. Unfortunately there were winds up to 49 knots so I spent all day waiting for the breeze to die down. All the waiting got the better of me, so I went out with only the jib up for a bit of fun. You know it’s windy when you flip a 5.8 with 190kg worth of crew with only the jib up. I still haven’t got all the mud out of the mast track LOL.

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Guest noddy

yea then you will expect the marine rescue to come and help you when you get into trouble.You not only danger your self but others that may have to rescue you.please please be more care full they are not good conditions to sail in. If you realy need to sail go out to one of the lakes were its safe and just as much fun.

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Dennis your bad!

As much as I hate to agree with anything called *noddy* everytime you go out on the water, you have to consider not only your own saftey, but the saftey of your crew, and those in the rescue boat. I am not saying dont go out in heavy weather, just try and keep it within reason smile.gif

Lauderdale Yacht Club


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I will put my name to this message ... You are not a noddy - you are a dickhead.

You are the reason that we are having increasing problems getting insurance companies to cover sailing boats.

We have been trying to orgainise a Marathon long distance race for years and the main stumbling block has been authorities sacred that we will not be responsible and they will need to come and rescue us.

If your story is correct, and based on that weekend you could be correct, then you should NOT take any boat out in winds that are in excess of 70km/hr.

You should have taken the time to come to the states and learn how to sail the boat properly and not try and destroy it. What sail no is it... I will make sure that I never get to recommend anyone buy it.

YOUR HISTORY SO FAR AS FAR AS YOUR PUBLISHED FEATS - Hope your insurance co can't read.

So far you have sailed to an island off Brisbane in a high wind warning without telling anyone and with no regard for anyone who might have to rescue your sorry arse.

You have wanted to put esky bins in the hulls !!!!

You have tried to tow a skier

You have sailed with jib only in 50knts and tipped it with 190kg on board.

Mate can I recommend that you join the US show called JACKARSE... they are looking for people like you.

Please drop me a line next time you go sailing... I will make sure I watch the 6:30pm news... every year their is at least one Dennis (the menace) shown getting rescued while their boat is trashed.

Happy sailing - see ya at the Nacra Nationals in Jan ?

[This message has been edited by Andrew Holden (edited 07 May 2003).]

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I can understand that you love your 5.8 and all you want to do is go sailing, but maybe a bit of common sense should provail.

Anyone has the right to use there boat as they please, but sometimes the decision has to be made to pack up and come back next week.

Happy sailing


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Holy proverbial!!!!

Sorry guys, I thought I made myself clear, It was on a safe lake.

The 49 knots wind was recorded of cape Moreton that day and was a peak gust, I’m not sure there was that much wind on the lake at the time (I have no wind vane). This forum has tales of people flying spinnakers in 35knot winds and are held with applause. Noddy, you suggested I only do stuff like that on a lake. It was on a lake. Lake Cootharaba has no waves even in the worst conditions and you can stand up almost everywhere in the lake. I would never have done it if I thought it would damage my boat or cause harm to anyone. It is the PERFECT place to do something like that without endangering anyone. The lake is very safe on the boat should a capsize occur as there are no waves to hammer the boat and the bottom is soft mud. I have DO NOT want to destroy my boat. The lake is also a great place to learn the skills needed to right a flipped cat. I would NEVER have gone out with those conditions on the ocean.

You talk about safety. The main reason I done it was to see if it were possible to sail with only a jib in strong wind conditions. If the situation ever arrises, where I might be some distance from land and a squall comes up. I wanted to see if I would safely be able to handle the boat with the jib. My main concern was the ability to sail upwind with only the jib. Yes, it does point with only a jib in strong wind. With this info I now know that I can lower the main to safely return to shore, should conditions suddenly change for the worst when I’m a moderate distance from my destination.

We only flipped because my bother (who with continuous nagging convinced me to go out) lost grip of the sheet and was unable to free it when an unusually strong gust hit. Its not like I set up in a gale and decided to go out. We got there on Sunday when in was windy, but we set the boat up anyway in anticipation of better conditions on Monday. My brother finally convinced me that, since it was sitting on the beach ready to go, we may as well give it a shot with just the jib on before we pack up, to see how it would handle. After all, the jib is only a very small sail area. I had no Idea the winds were reaching 49 knots in the area at the time. I knew it was strong, but not that strong, wind strength can be very deceiving on the lake as there are no waves to gauge on.

I already admitted that sailing to Moreton was not the smartest thing to do. I just wanted to do a nice day trip. At least I had an EPERB. After you guys scorned me I realized I had made a mistake.

I only asked about fitting larger hatches so I could fit a bit of gear in. ASKED. I thought that these forums were for asking questions like that. After you guys replied, I realised it was not a good idea. Even though I would still like to fit at least something on there.

WTF, I have never tried to tow a skier.

I am only a beginner so I don’t know all the do’s and don’ts but I am not totally stupid. There was no need to go off before you knew the circumstances.

I am a fan of the show Jackass, but I won’t be signing up anytime soon. But even Jackasses don’t like being told they are irresponsible dickheads with no regard for human life.

I wanted to go to the titles but I could not get there for a few important reasons. I’m not sure if I would want to go after you tell everyone what an “irresponsible dickhead” I am, and to never buy my boat because I have no respect for it and seemingly try to destroy it.

I hope you reply was at least the slightest bit tongue in cheek.

Happy sailing guys.

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Guest noddy

Sorry Dennis I didnt realise you were up at that lake Cootharaba but I still do not think last weakend was the best to sail in.

dont. get to dishartened we are all conserned

for you and our sport..

There is a race or cruise peel island at Cleavlend this weakend.Its worth doing.

PS Andrew comments are a little bit harsh.

Keep trying

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That sounds likes more fun than going round the buoys. Is it on Sat? Can I sign up somewhere to be notified by e-mail or post for stuff like that in the future? It takes me a while to find crew is all.

Your right about last weekend not being the best sailing conditions, but I just wanted to see if I could sail in it should the need for it ever arise. It’s not something I would do again unless I had to.

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Guest noddy


I beleive it is on sunday (mothers day) out of Cleavland Sailing club.The Tiapan forum people may be able to help you.

There is another regatter at wivenhow dam on Queens Birthday weakend at harrys inlet.

Most people camp that weakend and just socialise.As for getting messages you could try multihull yaucht club Qld internet site.

They post regaters and events on it.

happy safe sailing

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Cheers mate I will check it out. Hmmm, mothers day… I said I would spend time with mother dearest then. She did mention she would like to go for a ride on my boat. If it’s a calm day then maybe… Nah I would just be endangering the life of my Mum and Marine crew that would have to rescue my sorry arse wink.gif


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Originally posted by Dennis5.8:

Holy proverbial!!!!

This forum has tales of people flying spinnakers in 35knot winds and are held with applause.

Howdy Dennis...

For the record, I had no intention of sailing the Big T in winds averaging 26 knots gusting to 35 with large chop. I was very dissapointed with the race committee not informing sailors of the conditions, not canning the race and after it all, not acknoledging that these conditions were unsafe even after 4 or 5 monos broke their masts and the Tornado fleet being completly wiped out and not able to front for the last race.

I wrote a letter to the YA regarding this matter and hope we can work together in the future to avoid it happening again.

The Tornado is a large stable catamaran that can handle stonger conditions than most other cats ie 8 foot wide boats. I have also been sailing for 20 years now and am confident with my boat handling when the worst arrises.

All to often you here of cat sailors (including myself) bragging of sailing in 30 knot + winds. This average 26 knot race felt wilder than any 30+ knot race I have ever so called sailed in. Most of the time sailors braging of 30 knots realy only experieced probably 20 + with gusts upto maybe 30.

In conclusion I think that any conditions that have gusts in excess of 30 knots is only risking the safety of the crew and the boat. Our club has set a wind limit of 22.5 knots average which I think is very realistic.

PS - As safe as you may feel on a lake in high winds, any water passage can be potentualy fatal. During this 26 to 35 knot race we were accompanied by atleast 3 support boats and had plenty of sailors around. When we capsized, I was traped under the hull for about a minute fighting for air. My crew did not know where I was and he also was in trouble with his trapeze hook caught on the self tacking jib track and suspended in the air unable to release. This realy shook me up and made me realize just how quick things can go wrong.

Sail Hard,

Sail Fast,

Sail Safe

Stephen Medwell

Team Tornado 'ALIVE'



supported by

Club Marine (Boat Insurance)

Seawind Catamarans

Finlease (Marine Finance)

Sign*A*Rama - Petersham

[This message has been edited by tornado (edited 09 May 2003).]

[This message has been edited by tornado (edited 09 May 2003).]

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Guest noddy

Just come down and see the sites and shout your mum to fish and chips at the local pub.

happy mothers day to all fellow saiors

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Guest DennisRB30

I can't find the Austalian Tiapan forum. Can anyone please provide a link for me? I can only find German and Dutch forums.

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Guest noddy

Look up queensland yauchting ass. Then look up affilated clubs find Cleavland sailing club. The email address is to regester your request to join the members site I think its right.

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