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nacra 16sq sailing tips


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The best bet I have found is going to a club and geting tips first hand from other guys who sail the same or similar boat.

TIme on the water is important, but talking to others with the boat in front of you is the best bet.

Don't let it get to you. Don't expect it to just happen. It takes a bit of time, but not too long.

Before you know it you will be having a ball.

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Cheers guys for your quick response, am sailing out of Sth East Qld and am waiting to be able to get out at Currumbin as soon as towbar is on van. Any pointers as to rigging differences for open water and flat and thoughts on amount of downhaul needed for light to strong winds would be appreciated as far as racing is concerned. Ta.

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Enough downhaul to pull the wrinkles out. As the breeze gets up keep cranking the downhaul as much as you need to hold it down. When its really blowin' the sail is nearly right down on the tramp and the traveller let down a bit. Hope that helps.


Greg W

PS Nacra King of the Lake is at Lake Cootharaba next month and there will be quite a few 16 squares there.

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You need to trade it for a 4.9 Taipan and your drama's will be over. Just kidding Mick! As they say get down to your local Sail Club and ask lots of questions. Mick will be able to help you. Good luck we hope to see you in Townsville for some good racing.

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Anothertoy, this week end you can learn as mutch or as little as you would like if you come to King of the Lake at cootharabah . Starts saturday ends Sunday. There will be plenty of 16 sq sailors on hand. See you there.

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