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NACRA 26th Nationals Jan'05 Photos


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A selection of photos from the 26th NACRA Nationals held in Jan'05 in Sydney is now up on Kurnell Catamaran Club's website for a limited time. Ref: http://www.kcc.asn.au (then click the "Photos" button).

These photos are copyright and only a very small sample of those available for purchase on CD/DVD off Ian Gough (Ph 0417 196 859)for a nominal fee.

The photos on the website are at a much lower quality/resolution than those available on the CD/DVD and Ian has kindly allowed us to display this small selection.

Ian also video taped the titlkes and around 4 DVDs worth of video is also available from him.


Webmaster KCC Inc.

NACRA 5.8 #1602

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