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14' Beach Cat for 2 Up Sailing


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Hi all, 

I'm looking for a beach catamaran to learn to sail with my sons (12 and 15). I would like to be able to take them (one at a time) with me when sailing, but am really not sure what small beach catamarans are suitable for two-up sailing. I've read that the Hobie 14 is really a one-personal boat, but haven't come across a lot info on the others. I'm not after or expecting top speed/performance with two aboard, but just having a boat that can sail well and support the weight (between 105 and 135kg with 2 aboard). We would also like to do a lilttle camp cruising when the weather is nice. Would any of these be suitable: Windrush 14, Maricat 14, Calypso 14, Sundance 14, Paper Tiger? I've seen the Paper Tiger, Sundance and Maricat advertised locally (Adelaide) from time to time.

I've read about Jesse Martin's trip on a 14' Caper Cat where they had two teenagers and an adult, so I'm thinking it's doable to sail ok with 2 people on a 14' cat?

I've seen some recommendations to go for a Hobie 16 to sail with two, but having zero sailing experience I am cautious about the larger boat and it's power. I'd prefer lower performance but greater safety, is thats possible.




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