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nacra 5.8 super series


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hi fellow nacra 5.8 sailers. as spoken about in brief there will be a nacra 5.8 super series being held over 4 regatta's next season. entry is easy all you need is a 5.8. at this stage we are still finalising the the rules of engagement and how the point system will work as far as what you can & carn't drop. all trophies have been donated for the series which include presentations for boats under 1200 sail number, boats between 1200-1550 sail number and overall. the series will be run in NSW but we invite 5.8's from every were to compete and give feed back. prensentations will be held on the 1st night of the state titles. what i would like is any feed back and ideas. in sailing REV YUKKA II

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Top idea. A bit like the old Travellers Trophy I won back in 1985. That was sensational sailing around NSW, but there were 10 regattas and you could drop 3 of them.

You should try and get more classes involved, including the other Nacras, T's, A's and Taipans.

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some other classes would be good. we only have trophie sponsership for the 5.8's at the moment but if other classes wanted ot join in i would be happy to keep there results in order. i know a couple of the stingray guys are keen to do the circut. we have a few of them up this way. other nacra's would be great but at the states we only had 5.8's turn up. it would have been an easy way to gain a state title if you sailed in any other class of nacra.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emmessee, I'm asuming you won the 85 travellers trophy on 628? Just thought I should let you know that I have purchased 628 from the REV. I have renamed her again and am about to put some new graphics on which should look sweet. Hopefully I can take out the under 1200 category at the super series...

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can you tell me more about the traveller series ... i would like to have a go at setting up something like this in south east qld..... what sort of prizes and trophies would attract everyone to compete ...what regattas would you use to compete in ... what class of craft and how would you score the points.

i invite you to help me make up a super-series that we can all enjoy

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Guest funny

Been done before fantom.Between HYC DPSC Samsonvale. Worked for a few years but died as some people didnt like some sailing at some clubs. We have enough regattas throughout the year to support so we dont need another 1. what regattas do you support?

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Thanks funny for your positive feedback...

I would have thought that you would have used existing regattas at various clubs with the end result of trying to attract more craft to compete especially at the smaller clubs where they are looking for extra funds ...

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Guest funny

Hi Fantom,

We did use existing regattas.

But no 1 wanted to put there hands up to do the orginising.Traveling series work well in classes eg (Hobies). There is a series of regattas a class chooses to do and that classes pulls there results out at the end of the weekend to get there results.

I was not nocking you in your positive thoughts but it requires a lot of orginisation and cordination between clubs.

Are you the one to do it? If you are you need to start contacting clubs now as they are in the process of getting there programs up and running for next year.

See you on the water.

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hi fantom, don't listen to funny. it takes no effort to organise or to do the results. as you have already cottoned on too, you use the results from the regattas that you attend. the organisation is allready in place or you have to do is keep the results and tally them up to get an overall after you decide what the drop rules will be and how many races you can drop if any. the nacra super series will run it's self nearly. you just need to keep it simple. no extra entry fee no extra registration form no extra ofical's. just sail and tally up the results as calculated by the host club. i can't see how funny thinks that you need all this organisation and that it will be a big job. the hobbie guys ran one last year and had prize money. i think it may have been $1000 from hobbie (but i am not sure about that) if anyone knows what the deal was then let us know. our series will be trophies that have been donated by "BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS" in Bathurst. in sailing REV

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Most important and time consuming part of the job will be to contact and chase up sailors to attend.

Start with general email of NOR to Nacra members. Ask sailors to email you their intentions to sail.

If you don't here from them..... Send personal email.

Closer to the event, follow this up with phone calls.

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I am new to Nacra's, having just got a second hand, older 16sq. I love the idea of away regatta's. I used to fly RC sail planes (gliders) and we would attend 2 or 3 away comps each year, some where day trips others would be 2 or even 3 day events. It was always great to head to these with a few mates and catch up with and make new mates. The competitons where just an excuss to get away for the weekend.

As I now live in SE Qld, I would love a local regatta series, I would not be up the front, but would still enjoy it. As for travelling down south to mexico.. not sure... for a big event I might, just depends on If I would be the only 16sq so I would def come come with a trophy..lol


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thanks for your input everyone

this is what i think

$500.00 prize for spin. craft

$500.00 prize for no spin. craft with y/s under 81

$500.00 prize for craft with y/s over 81

to be held on open craft regattas with some country regattas attracting double points

any thoughts?

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Originally posted by fantom:

thanks for your input everyone

this is what i think

$500.00 prize for spin. craft

$500.00 prize for no spin. craft with y/s under 81

$500.00 prize for craft with y/s over 81

to be held on open craft regattas with some country regattas attracting double points

any thoughts?

Mate think you could be on to something ,,the hard part is getting some sailors to travel ,example there are a shit load of cats out at Samsonvale (norh west Brisbane) sailing regulary ,alot of those boats sail only at that club,are are kept on site rigged and only sail there (why you'd want to sail at that puddle week after week beats me ,but this is a problem you'll have is getting a decent fleet to rome to all the clubs,sure your going to get 10 hard core sailors who'll do all venues ,like some one said earlier it's been tried with mixed response.

In SE Qld the go would be interlink some major regatta's as I think Rev has done eg.

1.Cat challange (Cootharaba)

2.King of the Lake (Cootharaba Nacras only)

3.The Great race (Southport-Manly)

4.The HumpyBash (just an example of a 2 day event at a club)


most clubs have at least 1-2 major events per season, so you want about 6-8 major events at various clubs around the area over the coarse of a season ,this is where it gets complicated all participating clubs need to get together and plan that these events don't clash with Club championships,State titles ect..or else your going to loose people straight up. lets face it if your talkin that sort of prize money your going to need a very healthy fleet.the other problem I see is alot of your social racers may get turned off by having cash as a prize,lets face it if theres cash prize things could get very serious around the coarse ,alot of social sailors want a big fleet ,just don't want to get pushed and shoved all over the coarse by some tool who thinks he's match racing in the Americas Cup.you want to focus on the social side of the series what you want is big fleets and with that big fleet comes good competition ,on more levels (example you don't have 3 or 4 boats way out in front then a 5 minute gap then 2 more boats ,the more boats you get at all levels the better the comp).this will also satisfy the hard core sailors out there.

these social sailors I'll call them are the ones you want to attract,the guys who would be willing to travel around but who usually don't.A good example is The Cat Challenge up at lake Cootharaba where you get good numbers

because socially its a great venue for all levels of sailors.

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ENTRY FEE FREE my thoughts are that if we can make something like this happen and it lasts only 1 year and we get 10 craft that go to only 1 extra regatta then we will have succeeded. ... mind you there is nothing to stop some other sponsors coming onboard.... it might be time to shift this discussion to the open arena. if i can get some exposure for the sport for the small clubs that is my goal

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  • 1 month later...

the nacra super series now has some dates, 1st one oct long weekend at windamere, 2nd KKC top gun regatta 29-30 oct, 3rd mannering park 19-20 nov, 4th port hunter 11-12 feb, 5th state titles south west rocks 11-12 march. point score will be on the standard low point system with competitors being able to drop there worst 3 races including dns. in sailing REV

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Thank you to all those who have supported the October Long weekend Wildcat regatta at Forster.

The Great Lakes Sailing Club (GLSC) has a very small membership and invests a huge amount time and personal resources into conducting the annual regatta.

The Wildcat regatta requires all members to be a part of the regatta as cooks, coordinators, race officials, parking attendants, toilet cleaners, bar staff and on water support. None of the members race at the regatta and past members travel to Forster to assist in conducting the regatta.

The Wildcat regatta has always ensured that all sailors, whether they are novice sailors with aged boats, or semi/professional world and olympic holders with state of the art craft, are able to compete and enjoy the Wildcat experience. This is one of the significant features of the Wildcat, being able to meet and race with some of the world very best.

The GLSC has always ensured that all class of catamaran is catered for during the Wildcat regatta.

The GLSC continues to welcome any expression of interest in the hosting of any class/group titles and events in conjunction with the Wildcat regatta.

The GLSC will continue to host the Wildcat regatta on the October Long weekend. This year the regatta will also include the NSW A-Class titles. In the past the regatta has also hosted the first two F18 Australasian titles.

The GLSC receives no sponsorship from private organisations and returns any profit from the regatta into the maintenance of the club and the promotion of sailing.

Club annual membership fees of $160-$180 per boat does not meet the cost of maintaining the clubs annual costs.

The GLSC recognises the social value of the Wildcat regatta and invests a significant amount of resourcing to ensure the regatta is as much a success onshore as it is on the water.

The members are proud of the Wildcat regatta's history and are concerned with the fracturing of fleets which have the potential to be a part of the Wildcat experience.

Yours Sincerely

Scott Machon

Secretary GLSC

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Hope to see you on the water at Forster Scott.

Love the regatta, appreciate the hard work you guys do to keep it running and while it continues, plan to race there every year.

Sold our T just after last years Wild Cat and have just today finalised payment of my new Capricorn. The boat is due in 6 weeks and AHPC are trying their hardest to have it available for Forster. If everything is on schedule..... The 'ALIVE' F-18 will debute at Wild Cat.

Keep up the great work


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  • 1 month later...

the 1st 4 heats have been run for the series and we had a different winner for all four heats the top 5 nacras covered by only 5 points. race winners included yukka I, Crazy bouys, yukka II & Sonic boom. we had 7 nacra's contest the 1st round and now look forward to round 2 at the top gun reggata KKC.

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  • 1 month later...

Notice of Race for Round 4 of the 5.8 Super series at Port Hunter on the 11 -12 February 2006 has been posted in the regatta section of this forum. Check it out for details. It is the last chance for sailing against alot of 5.8's before the State Titles at South West Rocks in March.

We welcome any other type of Nacra to attend as it is an open class cat regatta.

Regards Graceland.

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