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5.8 Spinnaker


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I am thinking of putting a spinnaker on my NACRA 5.8. I am interested to see how this was accomplished, and welcome any recommendations. Would it be possible to send some photographs (to c152u at adelphia dot net) as to how you had aftermarket rigged your boat, and the equipment that was used?


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Originally posted by catadinghy:

Thanks for your response I appreciate it. I too have the bridal foil on my 5.8NA. In the states we call it the North American. The problem is that I need to roller furler where I live to manage the boat in and out of the launch ramp. When we do race, this is off the beach, and I go back to the original configuration for these events – not class legal here either.

The situation I have is that once on the water I have no way to adjust the luff on my jib, and sometimes it comes lose and needs to be tightened. Your system is the answer I have been looking for. My compliments to your engineering.

Also, I looked at the other photos you had supplied (sail #1606), and I am looking to incorporate a spinnaker to my boat. Could you send me some additional photos and some advice on how this was rigged? I have been checking with some of the local boats here in Ventura, Ca and they are somewhat a “Mickey Mouse” application. That set up in the photograph is what I have been looking for.

Appreciate it.


Originally posted by Village Idiot

I set up a spin on a 5.8 7-8 years ago ,it was not class legal at the time,I had it easily removable for class racing ,and set the kite up for some long distance yacht racing(before they banned me!) 5.8's in Aust were not running spins at that time that I am aware of?with that one I purchased a huge assametrical spin (It was really too big )I used a old broken carbon fiber fiberspar windsurfer mast which was about 12-13 foot long ,reinforced the pole at the end where wires attached and where it contacted the bridal foil and where it attached to the front beam.I had made a bag which I lashed to the tramp for the kite to store in,and incorperated a halyard system as used on skiffs ect where you pull one rope the halyard and it also pulls the clue to the end of the pole at the same time!attach some smart blocks to the rear beam and a block up above the forestay and your in buisness,not a bad system, kite was far too big and having a bag not a shute your crew has to be pretty much on the ball!!!!

my latest boat ( pictured below 1606) has a class legal set up.factory kite ,aluminium pole ,a spin shute off a capricorn F18 or taipan 4.9 ,5.7 ,the good thing about these spin shutes is that they velcro to the side of the spin pole not the bottom ,so it doesn't scoop as much water as there is more clearence above the water.This boat has a very clean system and it work well there is a continuous rope (halyard and retreiver line for the shute )which also pulls the clue out to the front of the pole I do have some close up photo's of it but I don't have anywhere to host the pictures,I sent Graceland some good photos ,He may be able to put up a link or if you email me with your email address I can email em to you.

If you can have a look at the set up on a F18 a hobie tiger or similar they have the same set up ....

Here are some photos of kite setups on Nacra 5.8's.






[This message has been edited by GRACELAND1216 (edited 25 September 2005).]

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Originally posted by Village Idiot:

1591 Moody Blue //// So we've lost another quick boat to the southerners!!!!good on ya Graceland thats a fast boat you got there!!


Hi Jay, Sorry mate for stealing a boat up north, but there was nothing available down here, don't worry Dave will have his new 5.8 in a couple of weeks. 1591 is a shit load quicker than 1216. I'm trying to sort out the different kite systems. On 1216 i was using a kite bag on the tramp and on 1591 I have a dunny seat at the end of the pole.ATM i'm having trouble dropping the kite into the dunny seat quickly and without tangles, but mainly running over the kite itself. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Regards GRACELAND 1216 & 1591.

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Hi CJ, I believe the boat is a fair bit lighter than pre 1550 # boats giving it more buoyance, less drag and also a lot stiffer. The mailsail I'm using is very new and has a very nice shape to it compared to my old one. The mast section must be a lot lighter to, it seems to bend more freely than my old section, also centreboards seem lighter to. Another factor is my new crew is 12 kg heavier than my old crew and the 5.8 seems to like this. Regards Graceland 1216 & 1591.

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Originally posted by loaded:

g'day fellas

I just bought a 5.0 metre, is there anyway I con run kites on it.

I am in the lake macquarie area and could get over to port hunter to have a look if any boats are set up there.

1st rigging 2morro. should be interesting.

Hi Loaded, If you are interested in put a kite on your 5.0 we sail at Port Hunter on Saturdays @ 14.30. Bring your boat over and join us if you like, We start rigging our boats around 12.30. Regards Graceland.

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