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5.8 Daggerboards


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Howdy to all..

My 5.8's daggerboards don't have any kind of thing to allow them to stay in the up position (ie. they are either fully down, or taken out entirely)..

Is there something that puts tension on the daggerboards I am missing, and is it the "(1058) Daggerboard Side Loader Assembly "..



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Originally posted by carramrod:

Howdy to all..

My 5.8's daggerboards don't have any kind of thing to allow them to stay in the up position (ie. they are either fully down, or taken out entirely)..

Is there something that puts tension on the daggerboards I am missing, and is it the "(1058) Daggerboard Side Loader Assembly "..



some boats don't need side loaders ,my boat doesn't have them, the boards are nice and tight in the cases ,the side loaders are simply a piece of shock cord mounted in line with the front and rear of the daggerboard by a saddle towards the inside of the hull.on the shock cord the same width as the board is a piece of 20mm conduit with some black hyperlong foam on it.when you put the centerboard in you have to pull against the shockcord and the foam gives friction to hold the board up!

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Originally posted by GRACELAND1216:

Hi Jay,

Did you remove the old carpet and use thicker carpet in the centreboard cases to hold the boards up or use a system similar to Hoods setup in the photo above? Do they stay in the desired position without falling down?

Regards Graceland 1591.

yeh for some reason there tight in the case and dont fall down ,,They may have thicker carpet or extra carpet ,,can't remember?? they do seem to work though!

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