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Stepping up to a Nacra


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Hi All,

Recently got into sailing buy purchasing a 4.3 Maricat. I'm considering a Nacra 5.2 or similar as I need a boat that can handle four people relatively comfortably, although the bulk of my sailing will be done just two up.

I know this is a quantum leap in terms of boat performance, and I would really like an opportunity to crew on a Nacra with someone a few times to get a bit of experience under my belt before jumping in and buying one.

I live in bayside Brisbane (Alexandra Hills) and can happily travel to the north side if necessary. I'd happy to go out with someone who just wants to get in a bit of extra practice, or racing.

Hope someone can help?



0438 641 543

PS: I'm 43yo and weigh around 80kg's

[This message has been edited by BarryK1200LT (edited 04 December 2006).]

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Great to see you are loving your catamaran sailing Barry.

If you give the guys at Brisbane Catamaran Centre a call on 07 3271 4944 they will be able to help you with having a few test sails and choosing the right boat for you.

Budget is always in the forefront of any purchase of any boat, so this will dictate a little of what you can get.

It also depends on what you want the boat for. Racing or just cruising!

I have sailed most of the Nacra range and enjoyed all of the boats, from an F18 down to a Sirocco at a resort. I loved everyone of them, but they are all different.

I currently have a 4.5 which is a suprising little packet of a boat that most times opens many peoples eyes at its performance. I sail it one up and have a spinnaker on order at the moment for it. Then it will be a weapon.

Sailing two up the skipper does not trapize.

I have taken 4 adults out on it and it has cruised around comfortably. You can also get a trampoline for the front if you want more space for freeloaders.

The 5.2 is a great boat, but a world away from a Maricat and a little more challenging to sail. I found the 5.8 a nicer boat to pilot.

Got to their web site as they have many of the boats listed. I think it is www.nacra.com.au

All the best.

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I agree with Emmessee that the 4.5 is a versatile catamaran. It is easy to sail single handed and great two-up with the crew on trapeze. I would find it a bit cramped with 4 adults, but 2 adults and 2 kids is okay.

I am happy to take you for a sail one weekend and share my limited knowledge. It's probably going to have to wait until after Christmas though. I live on the northside and usually sail at Raby Bay or Redcliffe.

There are'nt many 5.2s around and the 5.0 or 5.8 is easier to obtain. There are a few in the trading post at present.


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I’ve just gone through the same process. I was looking for a boat to replacing my ancient calypso 16. My father bought a new Sirocco and after a sail I was hooked. I have just purchased a 5.0 – a boat that I believe will suit my needs. Small enough to sail by myself and yet large enough to put the wife and 2 kids on board. Also big enough for two adults to have some serious fun! There are a few boats out there at the moment (I live on the north of bris) but some are asking crazy money for boats that need a lot of work. My advice is be patient – wait for the right boat for the right price and you will be happier. My boat needs some minor work but has all the basics right – just can’t wait to take it for a sail!!


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I'll need to 'learn' how to sail it first - but worried about racing, I have never raced before. Am I able to do so 1 up?


where abouts in Redcliffe do you sail? I am local to that area but have not sail there for about 15 years. Queens beach was the last place I sailed in Redcliffe and from memory it wasn't to flash.


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Originally posted by stranded:


I'll need to 'learn' how to sail it first - but worried about racing, I have never raced before. Am I able to do so 1 up?


where abouts in Redcliffe do you sail? I am local to that area but have not sail there for about 15 years. Queens beach was the last place I sailed in Redcliffe and from memory it wasn't to flash.


Humpybong Y.c..Cat club of Qld


[This message has been edited by Village Idiot (edited 05 December 2006).]

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You need a crew of 2 to race the 5.0

I often use a little boat ramp on Margate beach. It's mainly used by fisherman to launch their tinnies. There is a few rocks to watch out for at low tide.


I tried humpybong once at the start of this season. However, I felt a little out of place amongst all the F18's.


[This message has been edited by CleverNickname (edited 06 December 2006).]

[This message has been edited by CleverNickname (edited 06 December 2006).]

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Hi Guys

Thanks for the replies.

Well I've made the step up and brought a Nacra 5.2. The boats an older 1986 model, but it's been well cared for and came with brand new sails, and everything else appears to be in good condition including the trailer.

The only thing that needs attention is the shock cords for the trapeze, and while all the rigging looks fairly new, I'll get the cat into Brisbane Catamaran centre and have the main stays replaced, as well as any other little bits and piices that may need doing before heading for the water with it.

I don't know if my Nacra was a great buy or average, but I paid $3,100 for it and it seemed like a lot of boat for the money given its condition and the fact that the sails and batterns etc were all new.

As I mentioned in my first post, I appreciate this is going to be a quantum leap in terms of performance over my old Maricat, and I'd still appreciate the opportunity to go out a few times with other Nacra owners to first gain some experience, and learn the basic's of handling a Nacra before jumping in head first.

So Brad if your offer is stll open, I'd like to take you up on that some time early in the new year?

Cheers for now


0438 641 543

[This message has been edited by BarryK1200LT (edited 06 December 2006).]

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Congratulations on your purchase. I saw the 5.2 advertised in the trading post (I think) and I reckon that you paid a fair price.

I agree that it is worthwhile taking it into Bris Cat Centre. I bought my 4.5 earlier this year and discovered a few little things that needed attention. They are very helpful.

I'll send you an SMS with my contact details.


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Come down to the Nationals at RQ from the 30th Dec - 5th Jan - Bring your boat (you do not have to race) and join in with the Nacra "Family".

I will be there on an Infusion - Will be one of the 2 newest numbers so come up and introduce yourself.. We are having BBQ etc and you will pick up some great information.

P.S. Maricats Nats held at same time

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Welcome to a dwindling 5.2 Club. I bought a 5.2 of the same vintage for the same sort of money about 6 months ago. The best thing I did was join a club where you are surrounded with other fanatics that welcomed me with open arms, always ready to assist with that daunting task of stepping the mast the first couple of times. I frequently sail four up with the family cruising on a Sunday.I race at every opportunty available... This is the best experience you can get. I generally race solo on the Main with the 16sq fleet. There is a new 5.0 at the club that is quick and yes I would like one, but for now with my relative inexperience on cats, and having spent a quarter of the money I am still having as much fun.

Good luck and hope to see you down the goldcoast sometime.

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I was also like to invite, all the Nacra sailors around SE Qld to come down to RQ. Whilst it is a nationals all levels are catered for and i gaurantee you will not feel out of place and will learn more in one week than in a year of social/club sailing. I will be on 16sq #333 so please come and introduce your selves and join the Nacra family!!

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Also there is a training day on the 30th of December.

First day of the nationals.This day is set aside for registration and training in the afternoon ,followed by the meet the fleet night.

This will run from 1.30 to about 4pm or later,

We are covering Maintenance

Boat tuning


The top Nacra sailors will be doing this ,plus guys from the factory.

Then we will split into groups for more specialised training on each boat.

This is free to all people who enter the nationals.

This is worth the price of entry alone.

Coming to a nationals is the best way to learn ,you get 11 races ,all in one week.

Also you get to chat to all sailors for tips etc.


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Warren the training day sounds fantastic, sadly I'll be returning from holidays that afternoon and won't be able to make it. But I will definately get along to R.Q during the Nationals and say G'day to everyone.

Emmessee, the bloke I've gone partners with in this boat lives down the Gold coast, so how about we plan a day where I bring our 5.2 down to the coast and we take both 5.2's out for a sail?



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I'll be dropping by the Nationals for sure.

The 5.2 is currently in at BCC having a few things fixed up before we take it out on the water. Rossco was very helpful and pointed out many things with the boat that I wasn't aware of.

Heading back there tomorrow to get fitted up with trapeze harnesses etc, and let my partner in the boat have a look over it for the first time.

Once these initial bits and pieces are sorted it should be a good solid and hopefully reliable boat, and we're both itch'in to get this thing wet and try it out.

Tides and forecast were looking great for sailing this weekend, but, alas, she'll be in the BCC workshop till some time later next week I'm guessing. So hopefully we'll be able to sail her for the first time next weekend.



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Will be away during that period, but my partner in the boat lives on the G.C so we'll be sailing down there a fair bit in the future. It would be great to meet up and go for a sail with the two 5.2's.

If you can sms me a contact number, I'll give you a call early new year and see if we can line something up. My mobile number is 0438 641 543



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